Fractal Talk

Would it be useful to have an alternate "realistic" interface for Dyna Cab where the alignment would automatically occur with the distance control? I wonder if that could be a good shortcut for users to set up a good tone.
IMO no. It's more of a pain in the ass to get mics in phase than it is to use a slider to make them out of phase.
IMO no. It's more of a pain in the ass to get mics in phase than it is to use a slider to make them out of phase.
It’s much harder to recreate the original phase by ear/guessing than it is to put mics in phase by ear, which is very easy. Once it’s automatically aligned, all you can do is guess.Out of phase (by some amount) doesn’t necessarily equal bad. A lot of cancellation often sounds dreadful but there is basically infinite inbetween ones that sound natural and good and give a nice subtle cancellation/comb filtering effect that is something we actually look for when multi-micing a cab.

The assumption that mathematically aligned IR’s is always best is so dumb and nothing like what people do in practice when micing cabs.

If you are stuck, all you really have to do is set one mic’s polarity to 180° out and look for maximum cancelation. The flip the polarity back. If this is too challenging then I wouldn’t recommend using multiple mics at all.
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100% and the reason why is as you mentioned in the real world you could not have a 57 /121 sitting right on top of each other physically they would not fit , but in modelling you can
And when watching a Chris Baseford stream that was a eureka 💡 moment for me

Because Chris basically confirmed all those tones that we like and love there is a distance between the mics because physically there has to be
So in these modellers 2 mic lined up perfectly on top of each other would not physically be possible so therefore doing this is unnatural and not what our ears are used to hearing when listening to playback of a session w a mic'd up cab

THANK YOU for that Chris Baseford recommendation! I was not familiar with him, but looked that up and it's incredible! I've been working through his live stream of dialing in Fractal for recording and his dual mono trick for guitars to capture DI and recorded singles is brilliant. Was able to figure that out in Logic and that will help my work flow immensely.

Some of that advanced routing he's showing might just push me to keeping the Fractal over the QC if I decide to truly pare down. Also kinda makes me happy to have the Axe 3 over the FM9.
I've been working through his live stream of dialing in Fractal for recording and his dual mono trick for guitars to capture DI and recorded singles is brilliant. Was able to figure that out in Logic and that will help my work flow immensely.

I just watched that. Very interesting. :unsure:
Since Cliff has already included the default of keeping mics in phase, and some users prefer that, I think having it as a switchable option would be the most helpful, so those of us who would want to work with the mics as they were actually captured could exploit the phase relationship as it actually was in the room.

I used to do exactly this with Amplitube and TH-U, then capture the result. Yes, aligning manually as we can do now is flexible and great too, but it actually takes more time to find the right position for me, and it is more complicated: as it is now, I keep the front panel of the Axe-FX III open to the alignment page, and sweep the alignment of the second or third mic with my left hand, while I use my right hand to change the position and balance of all mics. It's more flexible, since you're creating phase relationships that didn't exist in the room, but having the option also to work the captured phase would make this so much easier.

If a switch were made available to load the DynaCabs with their natural phase relationships, you could still have the alignment page so you could alter to an unnatural phase relationship if you happen not to be able to find the tone you're looking for otherwise.
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I bought his tone pack today because it was easier to toss him $6 to get the settings for all his blocks than to try and copy things off the video.

His Mid Gain and Mid Gain Bright settings are delicious with a Telecaster and a Stratocaster. I also like his Timmy and OD250 drive block settings.

I put the bright switch on/off on a control switch. I liked mid gain with it on, but found it too much with the drive pedals so would like to be able to turn it off when I do higher gain tones.

I found his Dyancomp level too hot for my tastes when it comes to "mid" gain. But it worked well, stacked with the OD250, to make a higher gain, long sustain sounds.

And while I do have a soft spot for that old TV Mix IR, I find it really boomy now. So I dialed in a TV DyanCab that's close in the low end and high end, but not nearly as boomy as the old IR.


Worked it all into a new core preset and will gig it this week.


The crazy part? He didn't move the controls that much on the AMP block. But what he moved, he moved to the exact right positions. Just great ears.
(altough it's likely a gimmick) the Fender Tonemaster Pro just got 3rd party speaker impedance curve support...

Just planting seeds

Planting seeds... here? We already have that in the Axe-Fx though. Assuming that they are simply saying pick a curve from the curated on-device list?
Planting seeds... here? We already have that in the Axe-Fx though. Assuming that they are simply saying pick a curve from the curated on-device list?
Maybe you missed the words "3rd party" (if that means what I assume: loading your own curves)

EDIT: nope, it seems you're right, just watched a video about it and they're baked into the firmware, no user SICs.
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Maybe you missed the words "3rd party" (if that means what I assume: loading your own curves)

EDIT: nope, it seems you're right, just watched a video about it and they're baked into the firmware, no user SICs.
What does that mean? Did they fix that sic issue then?
I don't think that was his point...and my seeds were for Fractal, don't care about TMP
Gotcha. I guess if one can capture their own IRs with the III it maybe makes sense to allow the user to upload a corresponding impedance curve, too, but given how many curves area already in the Fractal universe, and the tweak able parameters available to fine tune that library of curves, it seems like we are reeeeeeaally getting to the point of diminishing returns. But that is kind of the point of Fractal, too, I guess.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.