Fractal Talk


What The Fuck Wtf GIF

What The Fuck Wtf GIF

FM3 is for rehearsals and some gigs. Backup for Axe 3 when using live.
I sold off a lot of stuff over the past few months (Badlander, Mk VII, pedalboard, 2xMesa cabs)!
Returned Kemper and QC. Just not as comfy as I am with the Fractal stuff. I wanted quality modelling and not profiling and really missed what I had previously.

The PXM-12MP is absolutely unbelievable as an "FRFR" monitor!
As much as I hate to say it, much much better than my ASC-10s were.

Somehow I ended up with a new guitar as well through all of this. LOL!
FM3 is for rehearsals and some gigs. Backup for Axe 3 when using live.
I sold off a lot of stuff over the past few months (Badlander, Mk VII, pedalboard, 2xMesa cabs)!
Returned Kemper and QC. Just not as comfy as I am with the Fractal stuff. I wanted quality modelling and not profiling and really missed what I had previously.

The PXM-12MP is absolutely unbelievable as an "FRFR" monitor!
As much as I hate to say it, much much better than my ASC-10s were.

Somehow I ended up with a new guitar as well through all of this. LOL!
That’s killer, congrats!
@PBGas Nice!

I've been wondering on and off about a PXM-12MP. I assume that they excel on stage but might not have a useable range to sound good for home use at the lower end of the volume dial?
@PBGas Nice!

I've been wondering on and off about a PXM-12MP. I assume that they excel on stage but might not have a useable range to sound good for home use at the lower end of the volume dial?

Honestly, this is the "FRFR" that actually works perfectly for me. They sound incredible at lower volume as well. You can easily adjust the tone of the cab for lower volumes to compensate for the Fletcher-Munson effect. The dispersion is great! It is light at 29lbs. I picked up the EV cover for it as well which fits perfectly.

The key to this unit is that you can dial out the treble right in the DSP of the monitor itself and save it as a preset. So simple to use and adjust.

The guitar cab mode works nicely also. I still have to try it with the IRs off but in essence, I bought this to hear the actual IRs in all their glory.

Now if Fractal would get the damn EV-2 pedals back in stock........
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Awesome, now you need another PXM-12MP for stereo!

Don't think for a minute that I haven't thought about that!!! LOL!

Now I have to sell off both of my KSR PA50 units. Those are awesome as well if you are running into a cab without IRs.
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Honestly, this is the "FRFR" that actually works perfectly for me. They sound incredible at lower volume as well. You can easily adjust the tone of the cab for lower volumes to compensate for the Fletcher-Munson effect. The dispersion is great! It is light at 29lbs. I picked up the EV cover for it as well which fits perfectly.

The key to this unit is that you can dial out the treble right in the DSP of the monitor itself and save it as a preset. So simple to use and adjust.

The guitar cab mode works nicely also. I still have to try it with the IRs off but in essence, I bought this to hear the actual IRs in all their glory.

Now if Fractal would get the damn EV-2 pedals back in stock........
Hey PB, I'm running across older posts of yours on TheTearsPage, and you're digging the Friedman ASC-10's. Do you still like those as well, or have you completely moved on to the EV's?

I'm also thinking of punting on my amps, as I seriously never use them or my pedalboard anymore, just the Fractal. I kinda want something that looks "speaker cab-like", which I know is shallow of me, but I just think it's cool.
Hey PB, I'm running across older posts of yours on TheTearsPage, and you're digging the Friedman ASC-10's. Do you still like those as well, or have you completely moved on to the EV's?

I'm also thinking of punting on my amps, as I seriously never use them or my pedalboard anymore, just the Fractal. I kinda want something that looks "speaker cab-like", which I know is shallow of me, but I just think it's cool.
I had the ASC 12 at one point and really enjoyed it! I thought it was up there with the Atomic CLR (or whatever it's called). Its very cab like aka heavy
I had the ASC 12 at one point and really enjoyed it! I thought it was up there with the Atomic CLR (or whatever it's called). Its very cab like aka heavy
People seem to think that whilst the 12 is great, the 10 is a little better because it's more balanced, and physically lighter, which makes sense. Damn, I think I might lean that direction. I've got a Headrush on loan right now :sick: and even with that I'm getting awesome tones. So an upgrade from here would be killer. Laney LFR stuff seems to be well regarded too.
People seem to think that whilst the 12 is great, the 10 is a little better because it's more balanced, and physically lighter, which makes sense. Damn, I think I might lean that direction. I've got a Headrush on loan right now :sick: and even with that I'm getting awesome tones. So an upgrade from here would be killer. Laney LFR stuff seems to be well regarded too.
Had a Laney as well but preferred the Friedman

Imo the Friedman does have a darker tone to it though for what it's worth.
I wish someone had all this shit in stock to try. I could tell in 30 minutes or less if it fits the bill.
YEah this is an issue for sure but thats where you have to go on What users experience is
the other thing is that its a store environment not your guitar, not your gear, and not your room acoustics

the Only gear I ever tried was my first guitar a MiM fender player series turns out it was a dud and was sold within 6 months
rest of all my gear was bought sight unseen and it has worked out well
IE i never heard or Demo'ed my Powercabs but I absolutely love them
Sure those EV's are tempting will I get them? maybe maybe not, but If i do ill make sure the Store has a 15-30 day return policy
that way i can A/B them and see if its worth the extra coin

YEah this is an issue for sure but thats where you have to go on What users experience is
the other thing is that its a store environment not your guitar, not your gear, and not your room acoustics

Hah yeah. Tell me about it. It's even worse for speakers. I've been through so many, and you can't return them!

This, of course, is an excellent argument for using modellers. There: back on topic!
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