So here is some Fractal talk about Axe Edit.
I have been using the Kensington trackballs since 1996 and love them to death. The other day I was setting up some button assignments on my Expert Mouse for Cubase, and I got to thinking about what could be done in Axe Edit with some clever assignments of the buttons/scroll wheel, etc. I did not spend more than 2 minutes or so playing in Axe Edit with the mouse looking for things I might be able to assign, but wondering if anyone else has any tips or tricks they use when working with Axe Edit using a mouse with assignable buttons/scroll ring. I did find that if I highlight a control knob in Axe Edit, I can then use the scroll ring to spin that in the direction I want it to go. It seemed to give me better control than the grab with click and move mouse around to adjust. I also found that the ring adjusts at a 0.10 notches, but if you hold down the Ctrl key it then moves in 0.01 notches (at least on the amp block EQ knobs I was testing on - other controls may have different values but point is, scroll with ring and it moves in chunks, Ctrl+ring and it moves in finest increments possible for that control).
Anyway, if anyone has any tips/tricks I might be able to utilize with a Kensington trackball, I am all ears! I am generally 8 ft from my computer when I am playing, but I have my Kensington Wireless track ball next to me and as of yesterday, I now have several Cubase functions mapped to the mouses buttons that save me a trip to the desktop and I am looking for similar improved workflow with Axe Edit ;~))