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It's very simple really, the update contains:I took a brief look at the thread, got thoroughly confused about how one should update the device, and backed out of the thread slowly. I’ll wait until I forget what I read there, then go read the wiki and see if I can figure out what to do. Surely it can’t be that hard really….
I do have some presets I’m concerned about preserving, but it’s mainly the effects stuff I care about. The amp sounds I have are the ones I quickly dialed up upon getting the unit, nothing I couldn’t recreate relatively quickly. And I really want to re-do those anyway.
1. new algorithm - nothing you can/need to do about it, once you update it (slightly) changes the sound
2. new default values for some parameters - you can choose to update those by resetting the amp (in all the different ways) or even by copying them by hand from another channel/block/preset, or if you don't give a f*** about those, keep your presets as they are.