Fractal Talk

Anyway... all this is to in a roundabout way say... I do think the FM9 at its current price is worth it, and I think it is worth it more than the GT1000 is at its current price point. The price to performance ratio with the FM9 and Axe III is off the charts.

I'm less convinced by the viability of the FM3. But they seem to sell, so what do I know ultimately?!?! Nothing really. Just another opinionated guy on the internets!
What else should I read out of this?
Very simply that it was a response to you bringing up your wallet in response to me talking about features and key areas where the GT1000 doesn't compete. It was a completely illogical point to make, since I never talked about making money with any of this stuff, and simply stated - the fact that anybody makes money with a piece of gear, doesn't dictate whether the feature set is competitive or not.

You completely missed my point.
Screen is readable but gross.

The screen being gross is one of the reasons it's so well readable.

If you are ok with all this; you probably aren't in the market for something that isn't concerned with keeping up with it's competition and could gig it just fine, blissfully unaware of what you are missing.

I'm absolutely not unaware of what I'd be missing. I'm just saying I don't need most of it for live.
And for the record: It's been this very thread in which I said that I might even think about an FM9 again in case the global blocks feature would be coming to it. And that's precisely because I am aware of the difference in modeling and FX quality.
It's just that as a live player, my priorities are aimed towards usability rather than authenticity or other sonic greatness. In an ideal world I would very obviously want to have both - but priorities...
Fractal request: Create a naming scheme where all amps by a single company are grouped together.

The screen being gross is one of the reasons it's so well readable.

I'm absolutely not unaware of what I'd be missing. I'm just saying I don't need most of it for live.
And for the record: It's been this very thread in which I said that I might even think about an FM9 again in case the global blocks feature would be coming to it. And that's precisely because I am aware of the difference in modeling and FX quality.
It's just that as a live player, my priorities are aimed towards usability rather than authenticity or other sonic greatness. In an ideal world I would very obviously want to have both - but priorities...
FWIW; my perpetual "anger" at Boss isn't directed towards you. I just always want them to finally wake up and do better but they seem to keep missing that memo :mad::ROFLMAO:
There are ways to communicate that lead to constructive communication and friendly debate; and there are ways that lead to anger, frustration, and negativity.

The prevalence of the latter is why I hate TOP so much.
Okay, Deadpool, now tell me what the hell is happening in this picture. There's long hair Deadpool, a dog with a Deadpool costume, Ugly Deadpool, and Wolverine :rofl

I'm absolutely not unaware of what I'd be missing. I'm just saying I don't need most of it for live.
And for the record: It's been this very thread in which I said that I might even think about an FM9 again in case the global blocks feature would be coming to it. And that's precisely because I am aware of the difference in modeling and FX quality.
It's just that as a live player, my priorities are aimed towards usability rather than authenticity or other sonic greatness. In an ideal world I would very obviously want to have both - but priorities...
Based on what you've said in the past, I do think a Fractal product would be right up your alley. I seem to recall that having immediate control over things and having enough footswitches to access different functions, is a big thing for you???

Based on what you've said in the past, I do think a Fractal product would be right up your alley. I seem to recall that having immediate control over things and having enough footswitches to access different functions, is a big thing for you???

An Axe FX plus FC would be absolutely up my alley and I have as well been looking around whether I'd possibly be able to set the global blocks up so they could be controlled via my trusty (ok, sort of...) Behringer BCR 2000 - which possibly would've worked.
But: No racks anymore in my live arsenal. And I'm absolutely serious about that. The fact that all I need can be kept inside one single floorboard case is of incredible worth to me. I'm train-ready, bike-ready and what not. It's also just one single item to take care of. Convenience heaven.
An Axe FX plus FC would be absolutely up my alley and I have as well been looking around whether I'd possibly be able to set the global blocks up so they could be controlled via my trusty (ok, sort of...) Behringer BCR 2000 - which possibly would've worked.
But: No racks anymore in my live arsenal. And I'm absolutely serious about that. The fact that all I need can be kept inside one single floorboard case is of incredible worth to me. I'm train-ready, bike-ready and what not. It's also just one single item to take care of. Convenience heaven.
Yeah I'm also not entire sold on using a rack unit for live. It sounds silly, but we play quite small venues most of the time. People stack up amps on top of 4x12's, push them right to the back of the stage, and call it done. So getting to the rear of an Axe FX III to plug stuff in during setup and teardown, and having to deal with a ton of valve amps potentially sitting on top of it... just pragmatic things like that make me think an FM9 would be easier to deal with.
I have as well been looking around whether I'd possibly be able to set the global blocks up so they could be controlled via my trusty (ok, sort of...) Behringer BCR 2000 - which possibly would've worked.
Well...yes and no.

You can assign up to 16 external controllers. I assume your needs are mostly to have global blocks for the amp. So you would assign those controllers to Amp block controls and whether they adjust global block or current preset Amp block depends on if global block handling is assigned, and how. You need to also remember to save your changes to the preset so that global blocks track across preset changes.

But the real shitty way the modifier system works on Fractal is that the modifier becomes the single source of truth and nothing but the connected controller can adjust the params attached to modifiers. There is no good technical reason for this, the system can easily handle "last value in = current value", whether that value comes from Axe-Edit, front panel or your controller.

If you forget your controller home, or it breaks, have fun removing modifiers one by one for each preset so that Axe-Edit and the front panel can control those parameters. It's pure insanity that there is no "bypass modifiers" escape hatch for this scenario. Sure, you can set a default value for them so they don't put e.g your level at max or zero but that's still a crummy way to go about it.

There's also no global modifiers system but you have to do all that for each preset.
Yeah I'm also not entire sold on using a rack unit for live. It sounds silly, but we play quite small venues most of the time. People stack up amps on top of 4x12's, push them right to the back of the stage, and call it done. So getting to the rear of an Axe FX III to plug stuff in during setup and teardown, and having to deal with a ton of valve amps potentially sitting on top of it... just pragmatic things like that make me think an FM9 would be easier to deal with.
Well, at least the majority of folks (some Fractal users included) see Line 6 vastly in front when it comes to user friendliness once you're editing on the unit. Anything else is highly subjective anyway.
Yes, and an electric scooter is easier to use than a Harley.

I'm a real life UX guy, and I'm utterly exhausted by the collective fetish over user friendliness in modeling. It gets thrown around as if it's the great equalizer regardless of tone, accuracy, and features. I think that's upside-down; if you can't compete on the things that matter, then ease-of-use is the only thing keeping your product some people.
I'm a real life UX guy, and I'm utterly exhausted by the collective fetish over user friendliness in modeling. It gets thrown around as if it's the great equalizer regardless of tone, accuracy, and features. I think that's upside-down; if you can't compete on the things that matter, then ease-of-use is the only thing keeping your product some people.
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Yes, and an electric scooter is easier to use than a Harley.

I'm a real life UX guy, and I'm utterly exhausted by the collective fetish over user friendliness in modeling. It gets thrown around as if it's the great equalizer regardless of tone, accuracy, and features. I think that's upside-down; if you can't compete on the things that matter, then ease-of-use is the only thing keeping your product some people.
Honestly, would like to have both, but I'm not convinced you can have a great UI with the level of control needed.