Fractal Talk

You sir can receive the @Alex Kenivel poo of shame, absolutely free of charge!!
dragons den sale GIF by CBC
Justin Derrico GOT
Justin Derrico GOT
Just turn down his JMP and lead tones or your windows are gone
Does anyone else kind of feel like they just tit about with their Axe FX III and not really using it in any meaningful way?

I really enjoy mine, but I have rarely been committing it to record. Not because there is anything wrong with it. It is brilliant. But when I'm writing demos with the band, it is often quicker to just grab some software thing - ToneX, Helix Native, or Neural SLO100 or the Darkglass plugins for the bass tracks - in the heat of the moment.

Genuinely haven't played a band gig since August 2022, so maybe that is affecting my perception on this. But I quite often come up with amazing sounds on the Axe III, save the odd preset here and there, and never really revisit them.

I got it and the FC-12 because I imagined I would replace my Helix Floor and use the Axe III solely for FX along with my JVM for gigs. But at the moment there are zero gigs on the horizon. We're still breaking in a new guitarist, and we've gone straight to writing a ton of new stuff instead of getting back up and gigging.

Basically what I'm saying is ... this thing is just fucking freakily powerful, and I'm using about 2% of it, 10% of the time that I spend writing and recording. Feels like a huge waste.

I noticed you have really changed your tune on the Fractal in the past week or so.

It's ok. I am not calling you out. Just noticed a massive shift in tone. :idk
I'm just a bedroom enthusiast noob, no where near the level of most here, and I have a FM9,
I don't use most of the amps and effects in there yet, but whatever little portion of the FM9 I use i sure make the best of it and
Absolutely love it.


Not using all the headroom we have available to us is not a bad thing. I agree. :beer

I don't ever spend ALL my money on one thing either. I seldom spend all my
energy on one activity in a day. It's not an issue. :LOL:

Life is incremental and piece meal. This is how we do it.
Mood swings innit bruv. At the moment I just want to fuck it all in the bin and settle into an arm chair like a fucking old grandad.

Oh shit! I get it. :hugitout

I had an "I am selling it all except for one guitar and one amp" moment earlier today, and then
I slapped the piss out of myself Fight Club style before that nasty notion took root in me. :cop

I think what happens for me is I get irritable about life, and am prone to frustration when stressed
by events beyond my control, and then I take it out on my gear. And gear has only ever loved me
and brought me great happiness and joy. :idk
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I think what happens for me is I get irritable about life, and am prone to frustration when stressed
by events beyond my control, and then I take it out on my gear. And gear has only ever loved me
and brought me great happiness and joy.
Genuinely, I think this is more an astute observation than you perhaps realize.
Genuinely, I think this is more an astute observation than you perhaps realize.

Yeah, it kind of doesn't occur to me until after the fact. :idk In the moment, I am as
lost as any human can ever get lost. Then it shifts and a kind word from someone
else, or a brief respite from the sometimes incessant shitstorm that is life comes
about, and I go... "Hmmmm.... maybe it's not what I thought it was?"

Hopefully, I don't take more of my real-life frustrations out on gear going forward,
but that is probably being unrealistic. :LOL:

Just know we love and appreciate you no matter what you do (or don't do) with your
gear, Orv!! :beer
This is really, really cool @Achilles .

Does anyone else kind of feel like they just tit about with their Axe FX III and not really using it in any meaningful way?

I really enjoy mine, but I have rarely been committing it to record. Not because there is anything wrong with it. It is brilliant. But when I'm writing demos with the band, it is often quicker to just grab some software thing - ToneX, Helix Native, or Neural SLO100 or the Darkglass plugins for the bass tracks - in the heat of the moment.

Basically what I'm saying is ... this thing is just fucking freakily powerful, and I'm using about 2% of it, 10% of the time that I spend writing and recording. Feels like a huge waste.
I go back and forth. It's either the best thing since sliced bread, or I might want to sell it all and return to "a simpler time when knobs where physical and real men/women played real amps". Mood swings indeed - I felt I was in a real modeler slump when the "Modelers losing their luster" thread was posted and feeling better about it all atm.

Grampa Simpson Meme GIF by MOODMAN

During those times I go to e.g my pedalboard built around the Strymon Iridium. Knobs for everything, at the expense of invisible presets x number of pedals and other inconveniences. Then I go "yeah I am loving these tones...but I think the Marshall on the Fractal was just a bit better..." which then leads me to another cycle of messing with IRs for example.

Then there's my BluGuitar rig which maybe works for me because it gives me some much needed limitations so I'm less likely to keep messing with it and just dial it to work with my guitar and keep playing. But getting good results from a mic in front of that is it's own rabbit hole that is much easier solved with IRs. Which might eventually lead me down to the Amp X, since it does both the amp -> cab but also the IR thing in one box in a plug-and-play manner. If it ever releases that is. I'm sure I'll hate some aspects of it too and miss a bunch of things Fractal does.

Objectively I could just use the Axe-Fx 3 for everything because it always sounds and feels great, but all the little authenticity tweaks to amp modeling do pretty much nothing for me and I'm far more excited about things that add practicality, like Dyna-Cabs. Gapless switching has also been surprisingly nice even though I never "minded the gap".

Unfortunately this means that whether it's Line6 or Fractal, a new generation of hardware is where the real leap is happening and I can't wait for that to be a reality.
...a new generation of hardware is where the real leap is happening and I can't wait for that to be a reality.

I'm actually pretty happy with my modelers and amps. Both are more than satisfactory for my needs.

Be it my Fractal gear, vintage Fender combos, or Rivera, and Fryette channel switching amps I feel fortunate to have gear that sounds this good and meets my needs no matter what the situation is.

I'm lucky that I don't have FOMO or a need to have the latest and greatest. I could still do all of my Jazz gigs with my Super Reverb and Zendrive just like I did a decade ago. My Axe III and channel switching amps provide options I couldn't have dreamed of when I first started gigging. I don't have the need to constantly upgrade.

I welcome the advances but don't lust after them. To me it's important to have gear that's good enough, not stuff that's just a little bit better but costs more and will take time to master...time that I could be spending playing guitar.
I'm actually pretty happy with my modelers and amps. Both are more than satisfactory for my needs.

Be it my Fractal gear, vintage Fender combos, or Rivera, and Fryette channel switching amps I feel fortunate to have gear that sounds this good and meets my needs no matter what the situation is.

I'm lucky that I don't have FOMO or a need to have the latest and greatest. I could still do all of my Jazz gigs with my Super Reverb and Zendrive just like I did a decade ago. My Axe III and channel switching amps provide options I couldn't have dreamed of when I first started gigging. I don't have the need to constantly upgrade.

I welcome the advances but don't lust after them. To me it's important to have gear that's good enough, not stuff that's just a little bit better but costs more and will take time to master...time that I could be spending playing guitar.

Cool post! I have set up residency in that place for a bit now, but I can still wander away from "home." :LOL:

Something could happen in the next hour to throw me off, too. :idk

But yeah, young me would marvel at what I have access to right now. I am going to chill with him and enjoy
the luxury of option and differences. :beer