Fractal Audio Firmware Update Thread

Quick noodle with the AC30TB with everything on 7. Just riding the guitar controls.

Alicia Silverstone Flirting GIF
I found that the 100W Plexi models ALL used a weird all Log tonestack, this was fixed in 23.03.
What is weirder is nobody noticed... for years.

I never played a real Plexi either but the tonestack was too fucked to not notice something is way wrong with it.
Says a lot about the user base.
To be fair someone may notice something is off but idk if many would be able to come to the conclusion it was a Log tone stack 😀
@James Freeman
I’d be really curious to hear your opinions on its technical accuracy vs. Helix. Not in terms of tonal accuracy (e.g. the nuances of distortion texture/realism), but in terms of how the knobs and such behave.
Quick noodle with the AC30TB with everything on 7. Just riding the guitar controls.

Hmm… this one has me a little apprehensive about the updates. I haven’t played it for myself yet, but I remember when Cygnus first came out it messed up the Vox models and they all had a weird congested response in the low mids. I hear something similar going on here that doesn’t sound right to me…
Hmm… this one has me a little apprehensive about the updates. I haven’t played it for myself yet, but I remember when Cygnus first came out it messed up the Vox models and they all had a weird congested response in the low mids. I hear something similar going on here that doesn’t sound right to me…

If the Vox models sound congested, I send it back 😂