Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

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Here's some more praise for the TMP. This video is pretty good and I think TP is being honest here.
He pulls up some usable tones... imo anyway. And that Gold Top LP Deluxe is really nice ! Video is well done.

But not everyone can afford everytool
I have had some time with the tmp. My initial thoughts:

Audio interface
-sounds great
-needs more routing options for when it is not the default interface
-routing dry tracks is not available through copper (yet?) simultaneously with the processed signal
-the Bluetooth and aux input mixer features are unique

-overall the sounds are in there
-better than most out there, the Soldano, 5150 and Fender amps are the early winners
-Marshalls are good with the right mic/IR settings
-the cabs remind me of the early Helix, "inaccurate"/inconsistent but attainable. The difference between the 7b and 57 is pretty considerable. In my experience those mics are a lot closer in freq resp but you will find something that will work for you.
-the recently added SIC function helps but to end all discussion they should add a manual/custom SIC setting where you could draw your own curve...and done

Cloud share
-much more refined than NDSP. Audition/download and save. Very quick.

-included reverbs and delays are good
-more refined specialty items would be appreciated. For example the pitch items are fine but not really an emulation of anything special. Generic but decent.

-good overall but it will ultimately needs scenes/snapshots to overcome complicated footswitch programming functionality.
-easiest device for sure
-missing some routable options and there are some small inconveniences. For example if you pick an external IR and then set an HP/LP for it and then change the IR, the filters will reset (small but a pain nonetheless)
-preset/song/setlist architecture is very straight forward. No need for scenes or snapshots as everything is gapless. Just make a preset called song1verse, another called song1chrus..etc then make the song and then put them in a setlist. (Not needed but easily done)

-needs work as it is pretty basic. No detailed parameters adjustments at this point but you could just make another preset with different parameters. I'm sure more will be developed.
However, switchlinks are cool. You can map up to 8 functions to a footswitch to control multiple parameters simultaneously. For instance, I created a button called SOLO, then mapped an increased mix for both reverb and delay, and added some gain and volume to the amp. Therefore you hit SOLO and you have everything you need.

All in all, if you only had one device, it could do the job as long as you don't mind usb recording. USB offers the most flexibility.
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-the recently added SIC function helps but to end all discussion they should add a manual/custom SIC setting where you could draw your own curve...and done
It was already impossible to try to match the impedance curve behavior by ear on Fractal. Maybe some sort of custom option would be useful but you are unlikely to be able to dial it via trial and error but need actual measurements from a real cab.
It was already impossible to try to match the impedance curve behavior by ear on Fractal. Maybe some sort of custom option would be useful but you are unlikely to be able to dial it via trial and error but need actual measurements from a real cab.
coming from the Fractal side, they reveal enough graph shape info and parameters to give you an idea of what's going on. In comparison right now, tbh, I find about 4 of the current TMP SICs to be useful and they provide no data on what they look like. For Fractal, I can shape the SIC to a ballpark idea of what my ears are looking for and I know I'm going to reduce the amplitude at 112hz. For Fender, I have a bunch of names. I fear they are just going to go down an 'IR name like' rabbit hole and just keep adding more line entries. My 'draw a graph' pie-in-the-sky idea was just a way of cutting to the chase to avoid all that.

My end goal is to help make their device great.
their device looks fantastic. it has a healthy processor and those electronics are not cheap. People piss and moan about the price, but the components they used will last quite a while. Bluetooth, wi-fi, great touch screen, 8-core cpu, internal power supply. They just have to adopt better MIDI, more SIC functionality and something similar to scenes and snapshots.
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coming from the Fractal side, they reveal enough graph shape info and parameters to give you an idea of what's going on. In comparison right now, tbh, I find about 4 of the current TMP SICs to be useful and they provide no data on what they look like. For Fractal, I can shape the SIC to a ballpark idea of what my ears are looking for and I know I'm going to reduce the amplitude at 112hz. For Fender, I have a bunch of names. I fear they are just going to go down an 'IR name like' rabbit hole and just keep adding more line entries. My 'draw a graph' pie-in-the-sky idea was just a way of cutting to the chase to avoid all that.

My end goal is to help make their device great.
their device looks fantastic. it has a healthy processor and those electronics are not cheap. People piss and moan about the price, but the components they used will last quite a while. Bluetooth, wi-fi, great touch screen, 8-core cpu, internal power supply. They just have to adopt better MIDI, more SIC functionality and something similar to scenes and snapshots.
If you can get them to add a Bogner XTC 101b
Blue/ Red channel w the bright 1/2,boost and excursion switches I will be forever grateful