Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope


Only a crappy sound man wouldn’t know good tone. That and ensuring the mix is balanced is kind of the job. No need to argue… professional ears thought the TMP sounded better in the mix than the Friedman. Period. Could have been how the guitarist or tech set up the control panel on the Friedman. Or maybe the TMP just sounded better. No matter what happened the TMP clearly sounded good.
I often disagree with "professional ears" at least when they're of the run-of-the-mill variant.

And I do know my tone, no screwing me over there.

Only a crappy sound man wouldn’t know good tone. That and ensuring the mix is balanced is kind of the job. No need to argue… professional ears thought the TMP sounded better in the mix than the Friedman. Period. Could have been how the guitarist or tech set up the control panel on the Friedman. Or maybe the TMP just sounded better. No matter what happened the TMP clearly sounded good.
Or it was bs..
From other place

I will give my perspective as I also own the TMP, fm9 and also a quad cortex. (Why all three - the fractal is the most accurate in modelling, amazing effects, definitely roadworthy; the QC - easy to use and good captures and I really enjoy their plugins and am finally realistically looking forward to using their plugins on the device - hate being tethered to a computer all the time if I can help it; finally the TMP - because I was curious and then ran out of the return window time so now I am just seeing how much the updates improve the device). For the cleans and classic fender tones (with the exception of the bassman which really doesn’t gel with me) I absolutely agree - they are as good as any modeler and in some ways better as they feature built in spring verb and trem. There is occasionally an unnatural high end brittle tone unless I use fairly aggressive high cuts or mic the virtual cab on the cone or beyond.

The new higher gain amps or revamped amp like the EVH red are also good and fun to play. I still wouldn’t put them on par with fractal and I have done a head to head shootout using a radial switchbone comparing all three.

I like the specific mic settings in terms of position and distance on the TMP but they are still a bit too muffled for some positions and harsh in others. The inability to easily dual mic a cab is annoying. Yes , I have set up parallel signals and miked with the same cab and two different mikes. But changing the level and panning of each requires leaving the speaker screening and then balancing by hand. fractal’s dynacab page and method of normalizing output is by far the superior one though QC cab section is also great. I have also tried very good 3rd party ir’s with the TMP and they are definitely better with the sic section but i really find the greenback to be the only usable one as the others sound too dark to my ears.

I think the success of the orange model clearly demonstrates (as Jon from sonic drive studios stated) fender can definitely deliver accurate models - but I really hope they would revisit some of the original ones like the marksman 2, recto, Uber and plexi. Also the voxes are much different from voxes I have opened/played through as well the modeled versions in QC and fm9. So I think this is where some of that residual criticism comes from.

as an aside a few other strengths i have noticed - TMP seems to take external drive pedals better than the other two. Their muff models are more accurate to my real muffs and also include mid options which is very refreshing. The delays are really nice as well.

So - usable and enjoyable - easily. The most comprehensive or accurate modeler (which no one including fender has obviously claimed it to be ) today - definitely not. But it’s still very early in its development and I look forward to further updates in this ecosystem as I have enough good use cases and it is definitely better now than when it first launched
June 26, 2024 - Another update / Hotfix for the Fender Tone Master Pro

Fender Tonemaster Pro 1.3.78 Hotfix

New Features:​

    • Added new SIC filters:
      • 1x10 ’62 Princeton C10R
      • 1x12 ’62 Princeton CS
      • 1x12 '65 Deluxe C12K
      • 2x12 Vibro-King V30
      • 4x12 Tangerine V30
      • 4x12 Solo G12
Product Enhancements:
    • Hyphen character now allowed in backup file names on SD Card and Cloud
    • USB levels in mixer reset to 0dB after every reboot (for default reamp levels)
    • Tuner now mutes selected channel or channels (Instrument, Mic/Line)
    • Custom Wah knobs & text alignment fix
    • Closing Pro Control while in Tuner no longer unmutes the tuner unexpectedly
    • Scribble strips now update as expected when using Global EQ and Mixer
    • Exit Tuner scribble strip no longer persists unexpectedly after toggling mixer
Known Issues:
    • Cannot re-download cloud preset after deleting it from My Downloads
June 26, 2024 - Another update / Hotfix for the Fender Tone Master Pro

Fender Tonemaster Pro 1.3.78 Hotfix

New Features:​

    • Added new SIC filters:
      • 1x10 ’62 Princeton C10R
      • 1x12 ’62 Princeton CS
      • 1x12 '65 Deluxe C12K
      • 2x12 Vibro-King V30
      • 4x12 Tangerine V30
      • 4x12 Solo G12
Product Enhancements:
    • Hyphen character now allowed in backup file names on SD Card and Cloud
    • USB levels in mixer reset to 0dB after every reboot (for default reamp levels)
    • Tuner now mutes selected channel or channels (Instrument, Mic/Line)
    • Custom Wah knobs & text alignment fix
    • Closing Pro Control while in Tuner no longer unmutes the tuner unexpectedly
    • Scribble strips now update as expected when using Global EQ and Mixer
    • Exit Tuner scribble strip no longer persists unexpectedly after toggling mixer
Known Issues:
    • Cannot re-download cloud preset after deleting it from My Downloads