Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

Fender-guy stilwel on TGP: Our combo or half-stack amp models are aware of which cabinet you've paired with them. So an appropriate SIC is automagically selected.
So is it in the cab block or the amp block? I'm confused now. If it's in the cab block, then there's no need for the amp model to be aware of it
So is it in the cab block or the amp block? I'm confused now. If it's in the cab block, then there's no need for the amp model to be aware of it

It might not even be in either block, it might be something added in the background that responds to the amp and cab chosen. I think that would be much easier than revamping the amp blocks, but who knows. I guess if it gets the desired results, it should be okay.
Hey TMP users !

I posted at TOP to the 2 x Fender reps re: why the Orange model is so bang-on and whether the other models were or would be re-done to be as good .... it went as follows:-


The new Orange is pretty much spot-on to the real Amp in GuitarJon's demo above.

Have all the existing Amp algorithms been re-done to be as accurate as the new Orange is (?) or is that on the to-do list ?


We are using the same modeling process on the new amp models as all of the previous amp models. We did fix bugs in the EVH Red channel and the British 800 in a previous update. Also, having speaker impedance curves for these types of tests is critical, as we mentioned previously. We will be adding more SICs in the near future and even more features for tuning and tweaking.

Max Gutnik
SVP of Product
Fender Musical Instruments Corp


So *maybe* the key to the TMP models being accurate is the application of the correct/matching Speaker Impedance Curve (?)

Would be a good A/B to be done with say 4 or 5 of the other Amps with their matching Impedance curves compared to the real Amp or something like the Fractal or Helix (?)

Hey TMP users !

I posted at TOP to the 2 x Fender reps re: why the Orange model is so bang-on and whether the other models were or would be re-done to be as good .... it went as follows:-


We are using the same modeling process on the new amp models as all of the previous amp models. We did fix bugs in the EVH Red channel and the British 800 in a previous update. Also, having speaker impedance curves for these types of tests is critical, as we mentioned previously. We will be adding more SICs in the near future and even more features for tuning and tweaking.

Max Gutnik
SVP of Product
Fender Musical Instruments Corp


So *maybe* the key to the TMP models being accurate is the application of the correct/matching Speaker Impedance Curve (?)

Would be a good A/B to be done with say 4 or 5 of the other Amps with their matching Impedance curves compared to the real Amp or something like the Fractal or Helix (?)


I'm going to work on a comparison today... IC curves don't have any effect on the distortion characteristics though. An amp model won't magically all of the sudden go from very loose to tight for example. More like from "boxy" (frequency wise) to "scooped" or more balanced.
That's what everyone who's tested it seriously without frequency diagrams said since the beginning: from a feeling point of view, whether with headphones or a cab, this thing sounds very amp-like.
And contrary to what Sonic Drive Studio assert, Fender haven't changed anything (apart from the EVH three months ago and the SIC in the last update (but it concern just external IRs).
Hey all, it was just confirmed by Max (from Fender) that there is indeed a bug with the USB reamping, as I mentioned in my video, and they're working on a fix! So that's good news.
Hey Jon. Did / does that impact the audio / sonic quality of the clips and comparisons you've recorded with the TMP so far (?)

From the other forum
[IMG alt="Drewstunes"]https://www.thegearpage.net/board/data/avatars/m/206/206138.jpg?1562856968[/IMG]


Platinum Supporting Member
Quick story - played a festival gig in southern Michigan on Saturday. In the band that opened for us the lead guitarist had a Friedman 100 watt head, 4x12 cabinet, and giant pedalboard. After their set he has to strike his stuff quickly so my band can set up. He clears it and I walk up with my TMP and 2 guitars, set up in 2 minutes. The sound guy tells me that I had the better tone and it was dialed in perfectly. So happy for the simplicity of the TMP and other similar modelers we get to use these days
Judge Judy GIF
Tone is subjective. Another sound guy might like the other guy’s tone better.
Not all that much. Good tone is good tone. People know when your tone is bad, and they know when your tone is good. Saying "tone is subjective" is the "every kid wins" mindset, which is a complete fail. Some are good, some are bad. Some win, some don't. It's not subjective at all.
Not all that much. Good tone is good tone. People know when your tone is bad, and they know when your tone is good. Saying "tone is subjective" is the "every kid wins" mindset, which is a complete fail. Some are good, some are bad. Some win, some don't. It's not subjective at all.
What you're talking about is probably rather "unprofessional" tone, but "good" tone is totally subjective. One likes low mids, the other likes high mids, and then someone who likes it scooped watches from afar, thinking "screw them mids anyway".

But all three have the right to call their own tone "good".
