Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

Some men just want to watch the world burn
music video britney spears toxic GIF
The release notes sure draw attention to how long it will take them to catch up with the competition at this rate. But they did the important thing of demonstrating they won't immediately abandon the TMP.
The release notes sure draw attention to how long it will take them to catch up with the competition at this rate. But they did the important thing of demonstrating they won't immediately abandon the TMP.
I don’t know man
I mean an IOS app
4 new amps
28 impedance curves
10new cabs
GUI and navigation improvements
That’s fairly decent for a 7 month update
That said we will have to see how it sounds , that really is the most important part
I don’t know man
I mean an IOS app
4 new amps
28 impedance curves
10new cabs
GUI and navigation improvements
That’s fairly decent for a 7 month update
That said we will have to see how it sounds , that really is the most important part

It's a very decent update. But at 8 new amps a year, they won’t catch up to NDSP until 2030 (if you ignore all the QC captures), Line6 in 2031, and Fractal 2050. Plus there's all the features like snapshots and multiple mics that they still don't have. Then there's all the things like correct placement of the SIC in the power amp model, spdif and low aliasing that they'll never have. They're improving, but will everybody else stand still while Fender is trying to catch up?
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It's a very decent update. But at 8 new amps a year, they'll catch up to NDSP in 2030 (if you ignore all the QC captures), Line6 in 2031, and Fractal 2050. Plus there's all the features like snapshots and multiple mics that they still don't have. Then there's all the things like correct placement of the SIC in the power amp model, spdif and low aliasing that they'll never have. They're improving, but will everybody else stand still while Fender is trying to catch up?

If anything, Fractal will double down and roll coal. Note how quickly the spring reverb update and gapless switching were unleashed following the TMP hitting the market.
If anything, Fractal will double down and roll coal. Note how quickly the spring reverb update and gapless switching were unleashed following the TMP hitting the market.
true. quick somebody get Fender to model the Bogner XTC 101b Blue and Red channels
Would be interesting to see what their SIC solution looks like, probably similar to FAS I guess.
  • 3rd-Party IR Speaker Impedance Curves
    • This allows you to select an appropriate speaker impedance curve that most closely matches your 3rd party IR.
The release notes sure draw attention to how long it will take them to catch up with the competition at this rate. But they did the important thing of demonstrating they won't immediately abandon the TMP.
Doesnt fractal still have more FENDER amps ?
what super interesting is the update came out today and there are literally no clips on YouTube , I find that odd , new Fractal , Line6 there is a big buzz and a bunch of demos , even on the TGP, the thread is pretty quiet no reviews or this sounds amazing now , :rolleyes:
what super interesting is the update came out today and there are literally no clips on YouTube , I find that odd , new Fractal , Line6 there is a big buzz and a bunch of demos , even on the TGP, the thread is pretty quiet no reviews or this sounds amazing now , :rolleyes:
The Leon Todds of the TMP community are slacking!
So weird, I was SO close to buying one around launch. I’d heard rumblings before it was released that a new modeller from Fender was coming and it had been worked on for years and they are looking to take everyone’s lunches.

Seems to have had a bunch of obvious flaws with the SIC implementation and people still think the amps are off and the effects are duds. It’s like shooting for a fractal device and ending up with a headrush

I like a lot about it, but when the core of what it does is lacklustre it’s a hard buy unless it’s dirt cheap (headrush prices). Also capturing was heavily speculated and I assumed it was like 2-3 months away. At this pace I’m not sure it’ll happen anytime soon or at any meaningful timeline. The last thing the modelling world needed was another unfinished box full of dreams and promises *sigh*

Yeah I was also intrigued by it, but decided to go QC instead. I actually like the simple skeuomorphic interface and their effects selection looked pretty good. But the shootouts from @2112 and @GuitarJon killed it for me. They are doing the lord's work.

I hate to say too but feels like this device would be a lot more exciting at the $1200 price point.
Was there an issue with the lack of impedance curves running just an amp model (no cab) into a real guitar cabinet? Wonder if that was fixed in the update?