Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

Yeah, and it’s dumb that others don’t have a similar feature. Helix can be excused, since it came out in 2015. The rest? Not so much, IMO. Having an additional amp block turned off, like the Helix or QC does it is fine, I guess. But having additional Fisher Price-style pics of amps like in the Fender TMP are unacceptable, and a waste of the GUI. How do you have four amp channels set up in the TMP? Well, presumably you’d have a snake of amp blocks all loaded. How do you switch between them easily?
To be fair, the amp channel block was developed by Fractal as a workaround for the (at the time, significant) audio lag/dropout/lack of spillover in switching between presets. The TMP pro has seamless preset switching and spillover.
It’s not just about the switching though. It’s about the organization and usage of it too. Another thing that Line 6 has now adopted is favorite block/library blocks. It’s extremely useful. Does the TMP have that? If not, hopefully they implement it.
Not yet, and I've suggested that as well. Having a favorites for amps/fx would be super helpful in quickly creating new presets and sharing settings
I don't know what kinds of tones our new Certified TMP User™️ friends typically employ, but I'd be interested in more high gain demos from folks who are genuinely liking the TMP. The clean demo from the previous page is good, but I've read like 0 criticisms of the clean tones, so it didn't really move any needles in my view.

isnt phillx a heavy player?
That video is a bit of a weird example though, because the TMP is plugged into the front of a Deluxe Reverb AFAICT! :wat

I like how the offscreen rep he was talking didn't even try to tell him it direct-recorded with cab sims. They were just like "Yeah...yes. It goes into the power section of an amp...you betcha."

isnt phillx a heavy player?

Eh. Mike Stringer's demo was more along the lines of what I would consider heavy. However, I'm not too keen on any of his tones here. It probably doesn't help that you can hear the fucking string noise on top of the playing.

Respectfully, those first few salvos of influencer YT clips weren't that great. Even guys I normally love, like Leon Todd, delivered some pretty poor sounding videos. Most of the influencers didn't update to to the latest firmware, and many of them just opened the box and recorded their videos in a single pass, apparently not even taking an hour to fiddle around before hitting record.

Ok, so who, in your opinion, did the heavy tones within TMP justice?
Maybe it's just me but when I read many of these posts by guys loving the TMP I check the post count and have consistently found them to be in the very low double digits.

What does that mean? I have no idea but it's an observable phenomenon.

I'm sure you don't mean me, but I'm not a shill. I'm just more active at the other place and acoustic forums like UMGF. Feel free to look me up, I use the same name at all the places. :)

I can't argue with people's takes on high gain stuff because I don't use them. I pretty much use clean blackface-style amps exclusively. So that's what I compare when I have multiple modelers. I very much wanted the FM9 to beat the TMP in my head to head through the FR12 because I love fractal effects so much more but couldn't get my base tone to be as "amp-in-the-room" as I could with the TMP. Note-I'm still trying cause I have 2 weeks left on my return period on the TMP.
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Ok, so who, in your opinion, did the heavy tones within TMP justice?
That's a bit tricky as it really depends on how you define heavy. The needle has certainly moved since I was younger and what people commonly refer to as heavy now, is stuff that I frankly can't get on with. I owned a Fortin Cali for example, plugged in for 10 minutes and my friends and I universally agreed it was the worst sounding, Kerry King-esque mess of midrange nasal crud that we'd ever heard. I literally had it listed for sale that same day. Meanwhile, the young Djentlemen seem to love that amp, so i dunno, maybe I don't have the ears for that stuff. For my money, Cameron & Friedman do that thing better.

With that said, I think Ola's second video showed some good tones in the extrreemo zone

Curiously, Ola didn't like the Marksman models (Mkii) but I thought that was one of the best sounding amps, but I'm not trying to dial up tones like him and have never in life run an 808 circuit into a heavily distorted amp,
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I think it’d be fair to say both @jdzialak and @Flinto2002 live in the Marshall/Modded-Marshall world. Exactly why I appreciated them coming here to talk about it. I’ve heard these guys play for years now, they’re legit players and have always had killer tones. You can go back and read my first posts about my thoughts on the TMP well before a single sound clip was available, when I found out they were the beta testers posting at TGP, I said the same things about them.

One could argue that they’re both in the “Anything these guys play is going to sound good” zone (for anyone that’s heard me, they can wipe the floor with me) but for me, that makes their perspective matter even more.

Shit, this just dawned on me now, but didn’t you have a Naked head, Flint??? I know you’ve been through about 50 since then, I recall a Divided By 13 period and a 3rd Power period, but uh……you still got that Naked kickin’ around??
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I think it’d be fair to say both @jdzialak and @Flinto2002 live in the Marshall/Modded-Marshall world.

Shit, this just dawned on me now, but didn’t you have a Naked head, Flint??? I know you’ve been through about 50 since then, I recall a Divided By 13 period and a 3rd Power period, but uh……you still got that Naked kickin’ around??
You're damn skippy I still have the Naked. Launched my last Cameron a few weeks back. Its Morris & Friedmans now, that Naked isn't going anywhere.
Eh. Mike Stringer's demo was more along the lines of what I would consider heavy. However, I'm not too keen on any of his tones here. It probably doesn't help that you can hear the fucking string noise on top of the playing.

I hate to say it but to me that sounds horrible but I don't base buying decisions on clips. I didn't like the tone of the Sig:X on any of the clips that I heard but I absolutely love the amp.

I'm sure you don't mean me, but I'm not a shill. I'm just more active at the other place and acoustic forums like UMGF. Feel free to look me up, I use the same name at all the places. :)

I didn't mean you or anyone else in particular and I certainly didn't call anyone a shill. I was just observing what I considered a phenomenon that I noticed repeatedly and stated plainly that I didn't know what it meant.

BTW, I used to be more active at the other place too but I grew tired of the bickering, personal attacks, and the commercialization of the site. That's one of the reasons why I take pains to never attack anyone personally, here or there.
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I’ll try and make some heavier clips soon. I can do direct to Logic or iPhone video with studio monitors or the Fender FR-10. I’m sure it won’t change any minds though. Which is fine. To me, it also FEELS great which is big, and videos can’t possibly show.

Frame of reference of tones I generally like - here’s my noodling YouTube channel. 90% demos of things i was selling, or showing comparison clips.