Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

Here's a quick 60 sec clip I just did of my TMP Plexi tones. First 30s is just amp, then I turn the RAT model on for the next 30s (Somebody get me a dr, etc)


That sounds awesome, actually! This is the very first clip of this modeler that excited me or felt organic in any way, shape or form. I'm a fiend for hot-rodded Marshall tones, and that absolutely fit the bill. I'm still a very happy FM9 user (and this unit is sparse babe in the woods, comparatively-speaking anyway), but this has my attention.

Those are the onboard cabs too?
That sounds awesome, actually! This is the very first clip of this modeler that excited me or felt organic in any way, shape or form. I'm a fiend for hot-rodded Marshall tones, and that absolutely fit the bill. I'm still a very happy FM9 user (and this unit is sparse babe in the woods, comparatively-speaking anyway), but this has my attention.

Those are the onboard cabs too?
Yep, the British GB 4X12. Thanks
I hate to say it but to me that sounds horrible but I don't base buying decisions on clips. I didn't like the tone of the Sig:X on any of the clips that I heard but I absolutely love the amp.

I didn't mean you or anyone else in particular and I certainly didn't call anyone a shill. I was just observing what I considered a phenomenon that I noticed repeatedly and stated plainly that I didn't know what it meant.

BTW, I used to be more active at the other place too but I grew tired of the bickering, personal attacks, and the commercialization of the site. That's one of the reasons why I take pains to never attack anyone personally, here or there.
I agree...that vid sounded awefu to me..Its not my kind of music but the tones were lifeless to my ears and "grey" sounding
Wait, that was polite?
Pop Tv What GIF by Schitt's Creek's Creek
Erm.... yes. It was. You dilnosh.
Erm.... yes. It was. You dilnosh.
Tell you what, post a clip of your shredding prowess, then I'll let you know if you can call me names or not. In the meantime, piss off. Your tough guy, internet badass thing is burdensome. I get it, you started the forum, so you get to treat the people here with disdain and run your little fiefdom as self proclaimed Edgelord, but really you come off like a twat.
Tell you what, post a clip of your shredding prowess, then I'll let you know if you can call me names or not. In the meantime, piss off. Your tough guy, internet badass thing is burdensome. I get it, you started the forum, so you get to treat the people here with disdain and run your little fiefdom as self proclaimed Edgelord, but really you come off like a twat.

I think he prefers the term “twunt”?
A dilnosh is clearly someone who sucks off phallic substitutes. Honestly people, it's not hard.

Which might be why there are phallic substitutes involved.

Anyway, whilst tact is relative with some posters, I think the main point wasn't to criticise the playing, merely comment that there was nothing in the actual sounds that changed Capt. Feisty's mind.

Personally I thought the actual sounds were perfectly acceptable, but I'm a peasant when it comes to gear, so ...
Why do we have to be fanboys? I love the TMP, despite the problems. I'm sure I'd love the Fractal if I could get my hands on one. Same with QC. I don't think I'd love Helix (only based on clips I've heard tho, so no hands-on experience). I think GX-100 is rubbish (I have one). But someone else might love it. Great.

You can't get someone to like what you like and convince that they shouldn't be liking what they like. There is no right or wrong when it comes to liking things. I thought this was basic stuff for adults who have had some experience in life. Come on, let's be more constructive, there's lots of useful stuff we could be talking about. We're not 12-year-olds.

EDIT: I can understand that @Orvillain (and maybe other people here) find this post disgusting. No problem at all, we like what we like. It'd be better if I knew why though, using words along with the barf icons. This should be part of what a discussion forum is about, shouldn't it? Maybe I sound too politically correct? Fine. You can say it. If you don't feel like it, fine again of course.
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A couple of people were personally invited to this forum to give first hand experience of a product to hopefully benefit the rest of us. It could have turned into a great interaction with adult conversation. Once again, given some of the comments directed at them, it wasn’t to be, and I wouldn’t blame either if we never see them again.
I really do wonder sometimes what actually goes through some peoples heads when they hit that “post reply” button.
Either lay off the fucking booze or go see a doctor for some medication.
/rant over.
A couple of people were personally invited to this forum to give first hand experience of a product to hopefully benefit the rest of us. It could have turned into a great interaction with adult conversation. Once again, given some of the comments directed at them, it wasn’t to be, and I wouldn’t blame either if we never see them again.
Agree. It's a shame.