Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

I don’t care what you guys say, Live At The Acropolis is awesome.

For the inpatient, start it around 17:00

Oh man. Your suggestion arrived at the perfect moment of need! :LOL:

Loving it!

Hey all, new here. I recently bought the TMP and as I was searching for info, I came across TGF and only today did I create an account. I'm the guy who was quoted 2 posts above, saying that I liked some Marshall presets (some of which you heard in the video of the guy wearing socks). More on that in a while.

Return period is over in 5 days and although the TMP has problems and the dirty amps leave a lot to be desired, I love this thing. You see I love Matt Schofield, Josh Smith, Robben Ford, you get the idea. Regarding dirty amps, I'm only interested I'm JCM800 and Plexi stuff. The Fender cleans of the TMP are unexpectedly good and very responsive. I am not experienced at modelers though. Only thing I know, I can't like the Boss GX-100 at all, but this stuff is subjective. So maybe I'd be more in love if I tried a Fractal or a QC, or not; I haven't tried them, my problem.

The Marshall presets I positively commented on at TOF (it took me lots of post reading to understand what this means!) are IMO the best version of the not good Marshalls found on the TMP. Hearing them on an amateur home video can't be enough, I heard them on the TMP and they were very nicely tuned. In defense of the person who created the home video, I think he gives us an idea from the comfort of his home of how he tunes his live presets. I happen to agree with his approach, using only 2-3 presets for a whole gig.

I am by no means a Fender fanboy, I hate the fact that the company silently de-hissed the FR cabs with no credit to the great people who came up with the solution, I hate that they don't answer lots of burning questions (I'm not blaming the Fender reps themselves but the company). I'm still considering returning the TMP but truth is I find it addictive.

I think we're all here because we share the same passion. When I read biting posts, I always think about it. Any thoughts welcome, thanks a lot for the useful stuff I've been reading in this forum.
I stick a Vox Stomplab in front of my HX Stomp. @JiveTurkey spent years happy listening to his rig though a Fender Mustang on a 10’ pole (which I imagine was to be closer to the trapeze and further from the bears on bicycles). You could be doing a lot worse than playing the TMP and being happy.
Welcome to the forum!
Fender needs to get their own Cordy/Todd/Rabea thing going on where they have a great player that knows the unit inside and out and can display the tones it’s capable of, consistently and not just a 10 minute review/demo channel doing it. I think Fender has caught enough heat that I haven’t felt the need to add to any of it, but relying on the general customer base to create that content isn’t doing anyone any favors and that’s as diplomatic as I can get.

And these are the exact tones that’s referencing
these sound pretty freaking good to me. At least how i would play live. Maybe they're not 'metal' enough for you. Curious if you've played through one of these yourself? I know you've said yo've never played through a Kemper either. What about the tmp?
How is that video even called "using it live"? Live in your bedroom, wearing socks?
Funny this is the second place you've posted the same thing. Obviosly you didn't bother to actually watch or listen to the video, where it's pretty clearly stated that 'this is how I set up the tmp to use live'.
Coming from a guy who posts pretty poor sounding clips with 200 views, one would think you'd be more respectful. At least people are trying to be helpful and make positive contributions. How about you? And no, being German isn't an excuse
these sound pretty freaking good to me. At least how i would play live. Maybe they're not 'metal' enough for you. Curious if you've played through one of these yourself? I know you've said yo've never played through a Kemper either. What about the tmp?

I haven’t yet but the first chance I have I definitely will!! There’s about 25 points where I could certainly be called a Fender fanboy, while I’m primarily a metalhead, those aren’t the only tones I love. My issue with the Marshall tones in the video had nothing to do with them not being metal enough, just not being Marshall enough.
I haven’t yet but the first chance I have I definitely will!! There’s about 25 points where I could certainly be called a Fender fanboy, while I’m primarily a metalhead, those aren’t the only tones I love. My issue with the Marshall tones in the video had nothing to do with them not being metal enough, just not being Marshall enough.
What does even mean? I can find 100 records with Marshalls that all sound different.
TBP doesn't hold a candle to FAS for high gain/metal. I had one for a bit and certainly wanted it to be cool. There are some good things about it but variety and depth of sound are not one of those things.
All of them. Just saying you may want to check yourself before throwing stones

First of: Yes, some of my videos feature awful sounds. For reasons. But not all of them by any means, some even sound great. Check your ears.
Then: None of the videos were made to demonstrate any sounds or my setup or how it'd work or whatever. Not even at all.

lets just call it what it is. The gui is what everyone is raving on about. The fender tones SHOULD be good i mean its fender right and that con reverb was raved about. The blatent qc rip off of buttons on the switches is being raved on as well.Yea is a good use of space and controls for sure but will fender support it in 8 yrs?
just like yamaha ripping off the tube choice option in the thr100..from blackstar.And the qc ripped off the whole display from line 6.
...All of which goes to show that we like what we like and there's no point arguing about companies as if they were football teams (which again is pointless if you ask me). We're here for the same reason, each one liking different things at the same time. If the TMP performs well, it's for the benefit of everybody, because the other companies will try to compete and we'll have more and more better options.

The TMP dirty tones leave a lot to be desired, at least now. But the cleans are great and I can't even listen to metal. I respect those who do though. I can't listen to Yngwie's music but I know he is a great musician, having opened new roads. I don't care about Vai other than Tender Surrender (which wouldn't have been made if it hadn't been for Hendrix IMO) but he is great. Rip-offs are everywhere, good ones come from inspiration and they serve us all. Come on. Insulting someone because they play whatever modeler is childish. Defending a company just because you bought something by them? Not clever enough. The company managers themselves will be laughing.