Everyone is sleeping when I’m here…

It’s just around that time here in Florida where I watch the parking lot lights at work every morning because I have to adjust the timers soon. My staff gives me s**t because they stay on probably 45 minutes longer than they’re needed, but at least two days out of the week it’s dark enough it needs them. If we have a cloudy day it’s pretty dark in the morning.

The sun is generally out around 7:15-7:25….we’re starting to get those cooler days in the 70’s, my favorite time of the year down here. I consider Florida to have 3 seasons- “Oh cool, it’s fall”, “Dude, WTF? Why is it 45 degrees in f*cking South Florida?” and “Dude, WTF, it was 45 degrees yesterday and now it‘s 97!! I’m getting sick of Florida!”
I spent a year in Tampa at the Grand Hyatt… working a gig, commuting weekly from PNW. FL weather is nuts!
I love that rain, though. I'm close enough to the ocean so it just cools everything down in the afternoon and doesn't get crazy humid after, everyone 5 miles west of 95 gets f***************cked with humidity though. :LOL:

tldr and such…

Not been so active. Let’s say, Im doing my standard every 2 year contemplating, re thinking, changing, purging the mind, looking at all things material and psychological, format C: and those kind of things. It’s very much spiritual for me. I believe in universe and such things. Stars, black holes and such. I don’t put myself above anything, I’m just a fucking animal after all.

I am taking this convenience time of year to step back a little, spend my thought time towards normal life stuff, like the kids and such. Stay off social media (including forums) and get my head around myself. I’ve spent to many hours regarding guitar and gear and realized I could spend those hours doing something “better”.

Son and me are going through Master Chief collection together as well as doing the Star Wars thing during this winter, it’s quality time with a 12 yo that is growing up to damn fast.
I get hung up on guilty feeling thoughts when spending so much time (it’s all those small evening times noodling and tweaking that get out of hand easily and a week suddenly has passed) on guitar hobby.

And the 8 yo is a whole story itself… the kid is everywhere and we need to watch things and analyze (no diagnose stuff and such… might be… but it’s not that serious yet…) his seemingly complicated world. We just want to “hey kid, you just be you, we won’t hold you back”, but it’s more complicated and certain social troubles has lately come to attention. He’s alright… complicated… but alright.

There’s no real problem here, I’m just a home player hobbyist and can close this door whenever I want. I know how it goes. I am a little sad now, but it will feel better after my usual mind purge.

Gear wise… I don’t know. I’ve stopped doing drastic things before mind is clear. But I’m definitely changing some stuff, scaling down. For me it will be simplifying further, just put on the headphones plug in the guitar and play, everything else should be done… no tweaks no testing, no pondering about this and that digital/analog/modeling/ bla bla.

I will check in on GF and say hello now and then.
Love you all!
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@the swede I did notice that you've not been around so much lately.

It's good to hear that you're doing the things that you need to do; especially the important stuff like spending quality time with your family this winter.

Best wishes to you, and I hope that you have a wonderful purge 🙂
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tldr and such…

Not been so active. Let’s say, Im doing my standard every 2 year contemplating, re thinking, changing, purging the mind, looking at all things material and psychological, format C: and those kind of things. It’s very much spiritual for me. I believe in universe and such things. Stars, black holes and such. I don’t put myself above anything, I’m just a f*****g animal after all.

I am taking this convenience time of year to step back a little, spend my thought time towards normal life stuff, like the kids and such. Stay off social media (including forums) and get my head around myself. I’ve spent to many hours regarding guitar and gear and realized I could spend those hours doing something “better”.

Son and me are going through Master Chief collection together as well as doing the Star Wars thing during this winter, it’s quality time with a 12 yo that is growing up to damn fast.
I get hung up on guilty feeling thoughts when spending so much time (it’s all those small evening times noodling and tweaking that get out of hand easily and a week suddenly has passed) on guitar hobby.

And the 8 yo is a whole story itself… the kid is everywhere and we need to watch things and analyze (no diagnose stuff and such… might be… but it’s not that serious yet…) his seemingly complicated world. We just want to “hey kid, you just be you, we won’t hold you back”, but it’s more complicated and certain social troubles has lately come to attention. He’s alright… complicated… but alright.

There’s no real problem here, I’m just a home player hobbyist and can close this door whenever I want. I know how it goes. I am a little sad now, but it will feel better after my usual mind purge.

Gear wise… I don’t know. I’ve stopped doing drastic things before mind is clear. But I’m definitely changing some stuff, scaling down. For me it will be simplifying further, just put on the headphones plug in the guitar and play, everything else should be done… no tweaks no testing, no pondering about this and that digital/analog/modeling/ bla bla.

I will check in on GF and say hello now and then.
Love you all!

Positive vibes sent your way and peace in your universe :beer Stop in when you can and feel like the time is there for you. We miss you but we get it \m/
Thanks for checkin’ in @the swede!

Definitely a good time to hit the reset switch as we get ready to roll into another year. I’ve been a bit strained lately between work and too much social media, starting a new year off with a fresh slate or recharged batteries is a good way to do it. I was much better at taking stock of life and cleaning out the closet when I had a steady LSD supply, unfortunately that went away, so now I have to do it the old fashioned way. :rofl
Glad you checked in with us @the swede ! Glad you are still kicking. Hang in there - do your thing. We all go through seasons like that. We’ll be here for stupid/funny/sometimes-unfunny pick-me-ups if you need some. 😊
Kids, Family, Psyche, Soul, Contemplation, Reflection, Warmth, Fire, Laughter > Gear.
Thanks for the inspiring unpacking of your state of being, @the swede . :beer

They'll be full fledged teens soon enough and not want so much to do with "Dad" as they
do now. I sometimes long for those simpler and more direct times. It all gets much more
complicated with the passage of time.
-20 C
I appreciate being able to have the work car at home, no problems starting it up 30 minutes before i drive :ROFLMAO: The “no problem” is really that i don’t pay for the diesel haha! The company can afford it though as i probably earn in a weeks fuel cost in one day just by going to 5-6 customers. They pay! My but is warm! I generally keep this car running all day when it’s cold like this. Greta wouldn’t approve… but I can’t imagine an electric would be “better”… in any way.

Freezing GIF
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Have a great Friday, @the swede ! :)

We are unseasonably warm for some reason, and all of our snow is now slush. Ski resorts
are not happy right now. Not even cold enough to make "fake" snow at night. And let's
not even talk about the poor ice fishers who have been waiting for ice to form on the lakes
for a month now.

Stay safe out there!!
Have a great Friday, @the swede ! :)
Thanks and the same to you!
We are unseasonably warm for some reason, and all of our snow is now slush. Ski resorts
are not happy right now. Not even cold enough to make "fake" snow at night. And let's
not even talk about the poor ice fishers who have been waiting for ice to form on the lakes
for a month now.
That sucks.

Winter should be white and cold, i hate the periods when its dark and dirty and the snow just melts away and becomes nasty shit. Better if it could stay when it comes. -5 to -10 C is about perfect and feels better than the 0 to +5 raw moist cold.
Winter should be white and cold, i hate the periods when its dark and dirty and the snow just melts away and becomes nasty s**t. Better if it could stay when it comes. -5 to -10 C is about perfect and feels better than the 0 to +5 raw moist cold.

That’s what New England looks like every day of the winter when it’s not snowing; dirty snow, all slushy and gray. I thought seasonal depression was a joke until I understood what it meant; looking at that sh*t 9 months out of the year while it’s 0 degrees outside sucks!

Very short days. The sun sets really far south right now.

On the solstice, it’ll be sitting just to the left of that last small hill (the land in front is an island).
View attachment 3134
Very short days. The sun sets really far south right now.

On the solstice, it’ll be sitting just to the left of that last small hill (the land in front is an island).
Same here, sun is up 9:00 and gone by 15:00. On the other hand it’s freaking stunning beautiful when it’s clear weather and this cold as we have now. I hurt… but it’s beautiful, haha
That’s what New England looks like every day of the winter when it’s not snowing; dirty snow, all slushy and gray. I thought seasonal depression was a joke until I understood what it meant; looking at that sh*t 9 months out of the year while it’s 0 degrees outside sucks!

Truth! We have seen maybe 15 minutes of a peek of Sunshine in the past 10 days. Since the
Great Lakes are NOT frozen the somewhat cold air moving over that open water is a freaking
cloud factory.