Digitech Bad Monkey Hype Train

Bought one new back in the day, unfortunately didn't bond much, sold it on rather quickly.

That said, I have a DOD Juice Box (bought from a buddy in the 90s, for probably 20 bucks) in my cupboard. Similar enough, but for some reason it sounds better to my ears. Lots more clarity, is that it? At least that's how I perceive it. This should be the expensive AF unit, not the Bad Monkey. ;)
It seems to be completely arbitrary which pedals he demos on the show end up blowing up. Wasn’t the last one that caused scalpers a DOD pedal or something? The dude regularly puts out videos like this but not all of them get traction as this has, so I really can’t reasonably find myself agreeing that it’s intentional on Josh’s part, outside of “I’m intentionally making a video that shows you how pedals can cross paths at certain points” and then people with emotional attachments to gear blow it up.
It seems to be completely arbitrary which pedals he demos on the show end up blowing up. Wasn’t the last one that caused scalpers a DOD pedal or something? The dude regularly puts out videos like this but not all of them get traction as this has, so I really can’t reasonably find myself agreeing that it’s intentional on Josh’s part, outside of “I’m intentionally making a video that shows you how pedals can cross paths at certain points” and then people with emotional attachments to gear blow it up.
Well, thanks for making that call! ;)

Wasn't it the DOD 250 that he blew up big time, only to follow up with his own version, hence making himself and scalpers profit, in a way?

Feel free to say if I'm mistaken - actually I'm not 100% sure how that story went.

Fwiw, people need to start listening with their ears, instead of "listening" with their YT subscriptions. :P
people are sheep.

that pedal has been out for decades. along comes a youtube personality and bam all of a sudden its good when it never would have made a pedal board on tgp probably bc of the graphics and brand name and bc it wasnt just a rehoused version with a $300 boutique price tag on it. so stupid.
Well, thanks for making that call! ;)

Wasn't it the DOD 250 that he blew up big time, only to follow up with his own version, hence making himself and scalpers profit, in a way?

Feel free to say if I'm mistaken - actually I'm not 100% sure how that story went.

Fwiw, people need to start listening with their ears, instead of "listening" with their YT subscriptions. :p

I’m guessing so, based off the view count of the video-


I guess I don’t see him as being a scalper because even if he’s making his own version, he’s also making anyone interested aware of the various alternatives out there. More importantly, it’s not like anyone is forced into buying this stuff just because he made a video on it. I strongly feel the aftermath of his videos is a MUCH greater reflection on the mentality of gear buyers on the internet far more than it’s a reflection of Josh trying to make a profit.

JHS has a sh*tload of pedals that are in every store next to all the Boss stuff, I can’t imagine one singular pedal is going to boom up their business where he’d have to calculate “I need to make this video on this day so when I release my version everyone is ready to buy it!” He’s making variants of pedals that no one gave a sh*t about, or very few cared, years after these things have sat on pawn shop shelves for decades for $25.

If people were really looking for the specific tone of these pedals, they’d already know about them, it’s not like we’re talking about obscure/rare stuff. Alas, you don’t see a bunch of threads on ANY gear forum asking about the amazing qualities of the Bad Monkey or 250, just lots of bitching after Josh demo’s one and the internet sees it as a free pass to jack the prices up.
The dude regularly puts out videos like this but not all of them get traction as this has, so I really can’t reasonably find myself agreeing that it’s intentional on Josh’s part, outside of “I’m intentionally making a video that shows you how pedals can cross paths at certain points” and then people with emotional attachments to gear blow it up.

people are sheep.

that pedal has been out for decades. along comes a youtube personality and bam all of a sudden its good when it never would have made a pedal board on tgp probably bc of the graphics and brand name and bc it wasnt just a rehoused version with a $300 boutique price tag on it. so stupid.
Both of these
Wasn't it the DOD 250 that he blew up big time

Not really. He did a video about the 250 because he digs it and, y'know he has a pedal show. BUT! And here's the thing, it didn't affect DOD's 250 sales (like at all), and it didn't cause the innanets to melt-down. Yes, he sold out of the low volume weird variant that he made, but we weren't going to make it, so where's the harm? I thought it was cool to shine a light on a shadowy corner of DOD's pedal history.

He did a video on Spiral too. I saw a modest bump in sales, but nothing major, certainly nothing I couldn't handle. Where's the hype? Where's the scalping? Where's the big blowup? Where's the secondary market freakout? Where's my got dam yacht?