I'd rather like a combo amp with ""FRFR"" speaker(s).
In the first place it should offer analog alike standalone operation. 2 channels, maybe each with a lead boost, separate IR options for each channel. The Friedman IR-X would be my role model for the layout and functionality. In addition, it should at least have delay and reverb FX (and maybe an additional modulation unit). All of this should be non-programmable but the switching status could be. Most important: All of that stuff should be accessible straight, hence there'd be individual knobs for all (or at least most) parameters. WYSIWYG style (some advances parameters might only be available through secondary functions or editors. All endless encoders with readouts.
All of these could as well be programmable, but if I wanted an easy, analog style controlled setup (which I personally often want), it should be just there.
In addition, all of that would as well be programmable.
The amp would also feature a typical FX loop send/return topology, external switching and what not. Maybe even two programmable loops, one analog loop section pre-amp, one typical post-amp loop.
Each and every other piece of equipment should be able to fit into this setup without any tinkering. This is also why I'd like it to be ""FRFR"", that way you could use your existing modeled sounds and also use the thing for additional monitoring duties (which is something I have been doing much more often than I'd wished to with my own ""FRFR"" monitor, but it defenitely saved my monitoring needs' ass a couple of times).
Add a neat foot controller serving as a cover for the half-open back. Should serve for channel, boost, FX and loop switching and could maybe have an access point for a wah/volume EXP pedal (with their circuits located at different places in the chain). Ideally, the switch would be programmable, so it'd do whatever you liked it to do.
This is the kind of amp I'd possibly buy in a heartbeat as it'd cover everything from quick'n'dirty access (and setup time) to whatever you like.