What is your favorite booster ?

Did you just post all your dirt pedals and declared them to be booster?

Not all of them.

BTW, there's this little knob labeled "gain" or "overdrive" etc that you can turn the clipping off (OD / Dist) and just turn up the volume knob...

...to use as a boost. Old trick, really.

For example, I didn't list my Friedman BEODD, because I use that exclusively as a distortion/preamp.
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The jack is different. Like a headphone jack, like my other one.

You can get adapter cables pretty much everywhere, some power supplies come with them. Look for 3.5mm TS plugs as the target size and either a direct 5mm (outer size) / 2.1mm (inner size) barrel plug or one with a cable socket. Something like this (sorry for the german link):