What are we watching now?

Youtube, tiny home stuff.:rofl
One as a music space
One as a shop
One to live in.
I think the wife and I could make this work? :unsure:
Youtube, tiny home stuff.:rofl
One as a music space
One as a shop
One to live in.
I think the wife and I could make this work? :unsure:

Man, I have always thought it would be great to have a modular setup for
healthy relationships. A shared kitchen/dining/bathing space, and then
separate he and she spaces.... or he and he.... or they and them.... or whatever
the kids are calling people these days.
Revisiting more old favorites

Man, I have always thought it would be great to have a modular setup for
healthy relationships. A shared kitchen/dining/bathing space, and then
separate he and she spaces.... or he and he.... or they and them.... or whatever
the kids are calling people these days.
A miniature compound. (y)
To Live and Die in LA for the millionth time. Man, William L Peterson was the best in that and Manhunter. Everything about the film is great. This is one of those Friedkin got right.
I just watched Madame Web. I love superhero movies, but this one is really bad. I'd rate this 3 out of 10

Caught "Late Night With The Devil" the other night. It could have been a lot better. I did think the aesthetics were awesome and the main actor David (something I can't remember) was great. The dialog was a little too "get someone who wasn't alive in the 70s to pretend like they know dialog from that decade". The male medium and the skeptic were pretty much terrible actors and their dialog made that even worse. The ending was great and the idea itself was great. So kind of a half victory; half-fail.
Caught "Late Night With The Devil" the other night. It could have been a lot better. I did think the aesthetics were awesome and the main actor David (something I can't remember) was great. The dialog was a little too "get someone who wasn't alive in the 70s to pretend like they know dialog from that decade". The male medium and the skeptic were pretty much terrible actors and their dialog made that even worse. The ending was great and the idea itself was great. So kind of a half victory; half-fail.
Isn't it a Shudder original?
Watching some old flicks...

The Abyss
The Fly , the one from the 80's (the telepod works, just don't get into it with a fly...)
and now, The Dead Zone
The Fly is soooooo damn gross in the best of ways! Killer flick.

So new season of Them dropped on Amazon. First season I had kind of forgot about as it's been a few years. But it was excellent. It's not a continuing story. It's a new story in a new era guided by the creator.

This season is about a black female detective in the early 90's out in LA. With all the obvious elevated tensions given the climate at the time. If they just focused on that; it could be powerful stuff on that alone. But the story itself is her searching for what looks to be a serial killer taking out people in her community and it is CREEPY AS FUCK. This is 1000% what that last Turd Detective season could have been. Props to Jodie Foster aside; this is much better as far as "detective goes to bat for the marginalized and almost kills herself trying to figure out wtf is happening" storylines go.

I am 2 episodes in. I am very excited to see where it goes. The supernatural component always concerns me in anything I watch because it tends to be a "get out jail free because my original idea made no sense" card. But the first season had that same thing and they pulled it off GREAT. Super excited to see where it goes.
Mommie Dearest (1981). I love Faye Dunaway, but this was irresponsible to make a real person a child abuser when the kid herself denies the abuse! I love her crazy as shit acting divorced from this, but if you're going to go that far, you had better verify as much as humanly possible that this was the case. I don't doubt Joan Crawford was bad to her kids, but the film should've hewn closer to the book.

I love unhinged performances, and if you just take this completely out of context, just look at her performance as if this were pure fiction, it's great. Diana Scarwid is also very cool in this. I felt like she was working hard.

It looks like shit, like a terrible TV show of the 80s, and the director is equally culpable for going way way way too far.
The show about Yogi Berra on NF. Good stuff.

And how weird was it that David Cone pitched a perfect game, the day that Don Larsen, who threw a perfect game to Yogi back in 56, threw out the ceremonial first pitch to Yogi, on Yogi Berra day? I did not know that!
Rambo, Rambo II. I will likely be finishing up Rocky and Rambo throughout the week, as well as possibly checking out some Chuck Norris if it's available on Tubi like JustWatch said (Missing in Action I-III, Invasion USA, Delta Force I & II).