Updated with Clips: Why is everyone so down on using lots of amp models at gigs?

I mean if you like it, I dunno what to tell ya. Just my opinion. YMMV is implied. Not trying to ruffle any feathers.
joe pesci feathers GIF
I get that we've all seen someone who doesn't know what they're doing do it badly. But just because some people do it wrong doesn't mean we have to toss the whole concept.

I always look at amp models the exact same way I look at pedals. They're just tools I can use to achieve different textures and qualities of gain. Is using 4 amp models to get different gain textures any different from using 4 dirt/fuzz pedals to get different gain textures?

If you do it right there's no reason for it to be jarring, or incongruous, or any of the other problems we've all heard before. But also, sometimes you want a certain tone to be jarring or incongruous!

Use 1 amp model for a whole show or use 20. Both are totally legit/valid. All that matters is that you're getting the right sounds for the music you're performing
Of course. But when I say "sure, I've never seen you perform or anything, but in my opinion YOU ARE most likely giving your soundman nightmares" - that's kind of an arrogant opinion to have in the first place, no matter how much experience you have, given the number of guitar players in hardcore tribute acts and such that pull that kinda thing off night after night on big, well paid gigs. It's the equivalent of "in my experience, I can't pull that off, thus my opinion is you can't either based on nothing more than my assumption that you aren't more skilled than I am."

So just because it's only your opinion, doesn't mean it's not kind of a dickish opinion.

Also, one doesn't have to share every opinion they have.

I mean, I've got opinions about the engineering skills of folks that are running out of cpu with 36 UA cores, but I keep those to myself.

I know for a fact that some older-ish males walk through life assuming everyone they interact
with is a total dumbass, to whom they are obligated to talk down to----you know, based on their
superior experience and impression of themselves.

It's a thing. The whole "I know better than you young-uns because I was doing this all since
Year XYZ, so get off my fucking lawn!" is a trend I am pretty sure most "advanced" males need
to struggle with internally----or project onto others externally. :rofl
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It seemed like I needed to make some sort of sound clip to show my point, so here’s a super rough quick and dirty GarageBand recording. (Sorry I did this so quick I didn’t even realize I forgot to tune my bass until after I’d already uploaded it! :bag:facepalm… seriously it’s a gross recording and the playing is terrible but it shows the point)

This is WAY more amp changing than I’d normally do, I just wanted to use a ton to show that it’s really not as “jarring” or “incongruous” as some have said, and actually doesn’t make a ton of extra work for the sound guys

Amps used in this clip:
  • Marshall Plexi
  • Vox AC30
  • Fender 5E3 Deluxe
  • Mesa Mark IV
  • Marshall JTM45
  • Peachy Invective
  • Line 6 Cartographer
  • Marshall JCM800
  • Friedman BE100
  • Vox AC15
  • Fender Deluxe Reverb
  • Matchless DC30
  • Orange Rockerverb

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It seemed like I needed to make some sort of sound clip to show my point, so here’s a super rough quick and dirty GarageBand recording. (Sorry I did this so quick I didn’t even realize I forgot to tune my bass until after I’d already uploaded it! :bag:facepalm… seriously it’s a gross recording and the playing is terrible but it shows the point)

This is WAY more amp changing than I’d normally do, I just wanted to use a ton to show that it’s really not as “jarring” or “incongruous” as some have said, and actually doesn’t make a ton of extra work for the sound guys

Amps used in this clip:
  • Marshall Plexi
  • Vox AC30
  • Fender 5E3 Deluxe
  • Mesa Mark IV
  • Marshall JTM45
  • Peachy Invective
  • Line 6 Cartographer
  • Marshall JCM800
  • Friedman BE100
  • Vox AC15
  • Fender Deluxe Reverb
  • Matchless DC30
  • Orange Rockerverb

Yeah totally didn't have any jarring experience. Probably one of those things if done correctly it won't be the end of the world
I love that autocorrect changed "Peavey" to "Peachy". I almost changed it but decided to leave it :rofl

I just jumped over to my laptop to see what it sounds like here. Probably the sh*****st playing and recording I've ever put out there, I'm half tempted to take it down out of shame. :bag

Maybe if I can find some time I'll re-do it and actually tune my guitars and spend more than 20 minutes recording everything :sofa
Nah - it’s fine for an example. Nobody is trying to win a recording contract here, LOL.

And yes - i thought that was a great example showing that having a couple/few different amps in the same preset/song doesn’t have to be jarring or worlds apart in tone. That was a good extreme example showing that 12+ amps or however many there were can still sound fine.

And when you consider that some, in cover bands, do like to use different amps to cop the style/tone of the original artists - if you can do it in a single song, then surely that can be done from song to song, without sounding jarring and without wildly fluctuating levels, etc.