The Food Thread

Been stashing trimmings in the freezer in the hopes of making some tasty Broth
for Ramen. A couple of picked over Chicken Carcasses, some Pork Bones, a bunch
of Chicken Wing Tips, some Celery, Carrot, and Onion waste..... all in a pot boiling
for at least 24 hours.

Garlic, Bay Leaves, Star Anise, Black Peppercorns.

Kind of disgusting to some people and not a pretty process. It smells amazing, though,
and kept waking me up in the middle of the night. :LOL:


It will look much better after I strain it this afternoon. :banana
My vacation is coming up in 74 days, so I better start getting ready for the bikini season.

One of my favorite low calorie foods to make is taco salad, been tweaking my recipe this week and this one came out super.

400g minced pork and taco seasoning:

1 cucumber, peeled and diced
cherry tomatoes, 200g
1 medium red opinion
sweet corn, 160g
crispy lettuce, about 150g
cilantro, lots of it!
salt and pepper to taste

What took it over the top was adding a good tablespoon of fish sauce and thai soy sauce into the meat spice mix, and squeezing a lime over the salad when finished. And mix in a couple tablespoons of sour cream when eating.

The finished product is enough for two dinners, it's high in volume with all the veggies, so you get pretty full.

Not them most appetizing photo though, but man it was good!

I wondered it that was that. What does it taste like? I am assuming it's completely it's own thing and you just have to try it to know.

Yeah I'm not even sure how to start to describe it tbh. I avoided it without trying it until I was about 25 but absolutely love it now. Definitely worth trying if you ever get a chance. It's really good in pork sausage rolls too.
Never tried black pudding myself, always been a bit scared to try but I'll make it a mission for my vacation in May.
Plenty British expats in Thailand running pubs with good breakfasts.
Where are you going in Thailand?

I have friends in Bankok, Chiang Mai, Roi Et., Phuket, and Pattaya. I want to go to visit Koh Phangan to check out Zen Beach and the Full Moon Party.
My dream is to visit major European countries and check out Vegetarian foodstuffs they have there as breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Visit some minor European countries as well! One of my favorites is Croatia!! It's like Italy at half price (at least that is what it was like when I was there 8 or so years ago) ;~)) A lot of billionaires yachts parked up and down that country's coast because it is so beautiful and it is not as crowded as the "major" European countries! Check out Slovenia as well, especially if you want to check out a bunch of castles!!!