Question for you coffee travelers…
I’m headed to Portugal and Spain shortly and I tend to get up early… No guarantees on this trip… But I do need to source coffee quickly in the morning… Suggestions?
Wife suggesting instant, but…
I brought my own grounds to Japan before because hot water is available in every hotel there.
What see you for a quick a good coffee in the morning on the go?
I've never traveled on a plane with coffee before. Is it going to be difficult to source over there? Seems it would be easy to find there unless you're off the beaten path.Question for you coffee travelers…
I’m headed to Portugal and Spain shortly and I tend to get up early… No guarantees on this trip… But I do need to source coffee quickly in the morning… Suggestions?
Wife suggesting instant, but…
I brought my own grounds to Japan before because hot water is available in every hotel there.
What see you for a quick a good coffee in the morning on the go?
I've never traveled on a plane with coffee before. Is it going to be difficult to source over there? Seems it would be easy to find there unless you're off the beaten path.
Only the finest then...My question is more oriented towards making it easy in the morning and yet it still being delicious re: process
If you’re serious about your coffee and want to go distilled, you’ll likely want to put the right minerals back in. Look up “Third Wave Water” on Amazon.Any benefits to using distilled water for extraction?
Our tap water here is pretty neutral and not bad tasting at all, but just wondering anyway.
Many reputable roasters offer “coffee bags,” but if that’s out of your reach, some of the commercial instant coffees might work for you. I know Starbucks sells a line of instant packets.Question for you coffee travelers…
I’m headed to Portugal and Spain shortly and I tend to get up early… No guarantees on this trip… But I do need to source coffee quickly in the morning… Suggestions?
Wife suggesting instant, but…
I brought my own grounds to Japan before because hot water is available in every hotel there.
What see you for a quick a good coffee in the morning on the go?
The Mpemba was really good, but I wasn’t able to dial in the Apollo into something I liked. But I’ll definitely be ordering from them again in the future.I’ve had a lot of great Counter Culture stuff. Good beans.
The Mpemba was really good, but I wasn’t able to dial in the Apollo into something I liked. But I’ll definitely be ordering from them again in the future.