It’s totally moot to me. Aside from the fact there are at least 5 different super lead circuit variations, and several BE’s (as well as the different modes and settings), one isn’t a replacement for another.
For 95% of us, using a 100W Super Lead live (without mods or some kind of power soak) is at best inconvenient and at worst a jerk move. It’s just not useful in any way to be THAT loud. At the lowest possible settings on mine, it’s still instant pain levels of volume. Want to use it with Greenbacks? That means you have to pair it with a full stack of cabs. 100W SL is fun in the studio under certain conditions but it’s so impractical. I wouldn’t really feel comfortable taking 50 year old amps out and about either, they stay in the studio. As soon as you start modding it or doing stuff to make it quieter, it becomes something else and you’re just picking compromises at that point.