The best Friedman amp...

I think I agree, but I haven’t played one. I have the regular BE100 with 4 toggle switches on the front and I like the extras that were added for the DLX. Counter arguments would be:

- with the amount of mods and tweaks, it maybe has a wider range of tones that might not sound so good vs the earlier BE’s which had a more concise direction for how they should sound.

- some people think the Friedmans that are built from an old Marshall have something special that the production ones don’t. Similarly, if Dave is modding it for you personally he can tweak small things EXACTLY to your taste.

- The JEL and Naked mods are also pretty great. and so is the Dirty Shirley. It’s probably worth having some kind of experience with all of them before defining the best one. BE seems like the flagship for a reason and it’s the amp I think of when I think Friedman.

I haven’t watched the video. I’m sure the tones and riffs are great though.
fight me lets go GIF
I prefer Marshalls to have some headroom in the poweramp except on Plexi style circuits. Marshalls own amps with PPIMV controls also sound better wide open. 2203, 2204, Jubilee, 2210, DSL’s, 900’s, JVM’s etc all sound better to me with more headroom, otherwise it’s a congested bloated mess for the tones I like. Friedmans strike a good balance of being able to get what kind of response you like at basically any volume.
i have heard that polite description a lot with BEs. why on earth would you want a polite marshall lololololol especially for several times the price of a marshall

It doesn't sound "polite" to me at all. It's more fun to play than a lot of Marshalls although or course that's subjective.
On clean headroom I think the Deluxe can get the power amp burning while keeping the system volume low? I remember that system volume being the best master volume I've ever used.