SoOOoN (Neural DSP Nano Cortex)

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Nice to see the price is similar to a Dimehead NAM Player, but then the Dimehead NAM player seems to be the better option as it's more flexible. From reading all of the feedback/comments, most of the complaints about the NC are features that are already available on the Dimehead.
It's a great time to be alive to witness all the latest emerging technologies, and amazing to know NAM is part of this, along side all the products that are still just as competitive, but without capture tech.
Will TB3 post them all?

7 months from now
Old man TB5 has woken from his slumber

boom GIF
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Nice to see the price is similar to a Dimehead NAM Player, but then the Dimehead NAM player seems to be the better option as it's more flexible. From reading all of the feedback/comments, most of the complaints about the NC are features that are already available on the Dimehead.
It's a great time to be alive to witness all the latest emerging technologies, and amazing to know NAM is part of this, along side all the products that are still just as competitive, but without capture tech.
Congrats! Keep us posted.

I thought I might be the first one to pull the trigger, but I'm still on the fence. I read the owner's manual. It looks like it would be dead simple to plug into an iPad via USB and route audio for Jam Origin MIDI Guitar. In fact, everything should work by default. Still, $549 ain't nothin'.

I find myself wondering whether an iPad Pro would provide enough current to run the NC over USB-C. And if so, how many seconds would its battery last LOL? Oy, the money just spends itself...
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Thanks TB3!

Each preset is 7 blocks - each can be turned on or off and edited/saved

1 amp or pedal capture
1 IR
5 effects

100% control over every parameter via Bluetooth on a phone, tablet, or PC.


Neural DSP HQ many months ago........

Accounting: "$549 retail MSRP firm."
Sales: "It'll still have the screen though, right"
Marketing: "It'll be suicide if we don't have captures and models!"
Customer Service: "Only 1 delay, chorus, and reverb? I can hear all of the calls now."
Web Director: "We eliminate any key feature from the QC and the Internet's gonna explode. Especially TGF!"
Doug: "I hear everyone's concerns and could not agree more. Let's get it done team!"

*group cheers and fists fly into the air in triumph!*

Accounting: "What part of $549 did everyone not understand?"

It kind of odd though that they spent years on this when they could have just done this
I am fairly serious on that yeah, there are plenty of things about the Dimehead NAM Player that you can't do with the NDSP NC.
I don't mean so say that the NDSP NC is a bad choice, I'd probably prefer it to a Tonex, but, the Dimehead is more flexible than either Tonex / NDSP NC.
For the “ewww, captures only” people, is their modeling THAT good, or are you just complaining?
Can’t speak for everyone, but I don’t like the captures workflow compared to modeling. Kemper’s liquid profiling gets it closer, but at the end of the day a capture is a picture of some settings and deviating too far starts to behave abnormally. So if you don’t find something that is 99.9% of what you’re looking for….you keep looking.
Wait, what? Do you mean you are buying it? Or just posting videos?
ok no stereo effects loop but here what i gather from my research

the cloud has a ton of diff and effects avail? true or false? that can be put into this thing for no cost? some arent free and you can buy but the cloud stuff is free.? Not all will be good but you can add exactly the amps and ir's and effects in this that you like and want?
Many modelers while having 200 amps and 200 effects can cause confusion..and this unit seems to be more like a less is more approach? So you can taylor the unit to what you think are the tones you need?? like and want?
I can use iphone to see any info so screen is the iphone?

the only limitations i see looper..and you have to custumize the unit with exactly which amps/irs and effects you like or need so limited in that respect as if you want something diff you have to either capture yourself or look on the cloud? could be time consuming?
Price is fair
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