Some interesting news from Kemper (Profiler Player)

OK so I spent a couple of hours with a Player today. I just don't get this thing. Mine was buggy with the Android app to no end. I would save changes and then the changes would be half there and half gone. It's missing all my favorite reverbs. Particle. Gone. Ionosphere. Gone. There is no way to calibrate an expression pedal. The button is there but it does nothing. There's no morphing. There's no press and hold. It's noisy as an old BOSS from the 80's. In every outlet with every guitar. I mean this thing, the way it is now, even with the latest firmware, is a nightmare. An expensive one at that.
OK so I spent a couple of hours with a Player today. I just don't get this thing. Mine was buggy with the Android app to no end. I would save changes and then the changes would be half there and half gone. It's missing all my favorite reverbs. Particle. Gone. Ionosphere. Gone. There is no way to calibrate an expression pedal. The button is there but it does nothing. There's no morphing. There's no press and hold. It's noisy as an old BOSS from the 80's. In every outlet with every guitar. I mean this thing, the way it is now, even with the latest firmware, is a nightmare. An expensive one at that.
Back it goes!

Maybe you got a faulty one? Or maybe those fixes will be part of the paid package 😂
OK so I spent a couple of hours with a Player today. I just don't get this thing. Mine was buggy with the Android app to no end. I would save changes and then the changes would be half there and half gone. It's missing all my favorite reverbs. Particle. Gone. Ionosphere. Gone. There is no way to calibrate an expression pedal. The button is there but it does nothing. There's no morphing. There's no press and hold. It's noisy as an old BOSS from the 80's. In every outlet with every guitar. I mean this thing, the way it is now, even with the latest firmware, is a nightmare. An expensive one at that.

Back it goes!

Maybe you got a faulty one? Or maybe those fixes will be part of the paid package 😂

As is well know here ... I make no secret of loving my KPA Stage with LP's ..... it has now been nearly 6 months since I ditched all my Fractals, Helix's, GT1000, Tonex etc.... all sold and gone ..... for the KPA Stage and LP's - BUT -

The Kemper Player is just bizarre to me - I just cant get my small brain around the "de-featuring" decisions they made.

Its not really a Kemper Player ..... its a *very highly cut down* Kemper Player.

Of the top of my head

=> Deep Amp controls ... gone
=> Cab Controls ... other than Pure Cab .... all gone
=> 2 x Pre EFX with extremely limited choices
=> 2 x Post EFX with extremely limited choices
=> no display of any kind to see what is going on
=> to import Rigs from your "full" KPA .. you lose your 3rd and 4th Pre EFX and your 3rd and 4th Post EFX -and also- you will almost certainly have to change the EFX in the 2 x pre and 2 x post slots to find what's available in the Player to "best match" what your full pre-set normally uses
=> I have no idea about build and s/w and h/w reliability as I've never used one - and never will
=> price is relatively stupid-high

I'm a massive KPA and LP fan ...... I am a massive fan of C.K ....... but this KPA Player really is a w.t.a.f product as I see it.

For people who have never had or used a KPA .... maybe (?) ..... but if you have a full KPA .... I can only see this unit getting very frustrating and annoying very, very quickly

That all.

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It's noisy as an old BOSS from the 80's. In every outlet with every guitar.
I had the same experience with the Kemper Stage. It had this awful inherent buzz to it, that only went away if I had a buffered pedal in front of the unit. I tried three stages and they all did the same thing!!
I had the same experience with the Kemper Stage. It had this awful inherent buzz to it, that only went away if I had a buffered pedal in front of the unit. I tried three stages and they all did the same thing!!

Sh%t ... thats some serious bad luck or a bad batch or both !
OK so I spent a couple of hours with a Player today. I just don't get this thing. Mine was buggy with the Android app to no end. I would save changes and then the changes would be half there and half gone. It's missing all my favorite reverbs. Particle. Gone. Ionosphere. Gone. There is no way to calibrate an expression pedal. The button is there but it does nothing. There's no morphing. There's no press and hold. It's noisy as an old BOSS from the 80's. In every outlet with every guitar. I mean this thing, the way it is now, even with the latest firmware, is a nightmare. An expensive one at that.

Thanks. One thing less to lust for as it seems.
Sh%t ... thats some serious bad luck or a bad batch or both !
Well when I was a beta tester and I talked about it in the private beta area, people just kept talking to me like I was some sort of fucking idiot who didn't know what he was doing, and the Kemper people themselves had nothing to say.

It was quite a while after launching the product as well, so I don't think it was an early batch issue. I think the Stage has some sort of grounding or impedance problems that nobody is talking about.
Thanks. One thing less to lust for as it seems.
Once…once i let online “word of mouth” make order something sight unseen.

I still order stuff sight unseen but i be damned if i listen to others opinions or what seems to have become fashionable bad experienced.
Jus’ sayin’

I mean look at the reception the TC2290 pedal got…love it.
Well when I was a beta tester and I talked about it in the private beta area, people just kept talking to me like I was some sort of fucking idiot who didn't know what he was doing, and the Kemper people themselves had nothing to say.

It was quite a while after launching the product as well, so I don't think it was an early batch issue. I think the Stage has some sort of grounding or impedance problems that nobody is talking about.
The bane of my existence.
For me it was Asia’s crap power couldn't use the AxeFx without having my naked foot on a pedal.
Or use a wireless.
Plus pedal board, with isolated supply no go. I had to run batteries.

In Germany i fight griund with that ridiculous floating ground way too much for not being 3rd world.
Bottom line gear with multiple i/o needs multiple ground lifts.
The bane of my existence.
For me it was Asia’s crap power couldn't use the AxeFx without having my naked foot on a pedal.
Or use a wireless.
Plus pedal board, with isolated supply no go. I had to run batteries.

In Germany i fight griund with that ridiculous floating ground way too much for not being 3rd world.
Bottom line gear with multiple i/o needs multiple ground lifts.
I've never had a problem with my Helix or Axe III tbh.

I only ever had problems with the Kemper Stage (Head was fine) and the Quad Cortex. Very odd.
I still order stuff sight unseen but i be damned if i listen to others opinions or what seems to have become fashionable bad experienced.

Well, while I agree, from all I know, this thing is lacking of so many things already, any negative report is only confirming what was a pretty big "no" from my side anyway.
Well, while I agree, from all I know, this thing is lacking of so many things already, any negative report is only confirming what was a pretty big "no" from my side anyway.
I reckon my point is that we all know what’s missing. Or should by the time we order.

I get stuff for what it does today, then when doesn’t work it goes.
Funnily enough i usually send very little stuff back.

Note that said a way bigger deterrent for me usually is a companies business practice.
I've never had a problem with my Helix or Axe III tbh.

I only ever had problems with the Kemper Stage (Head was fine) and the Quad Cortex. Very odd.
I don’t doubt it.
But simply put if it doesn’t work it doesn’t.

Yes the being talked down to is hilarious…
When Tonex came out there was a bug where if you ran it with UA Apollo even with the input muted there was DI signal present. Like it sounded the mic knob at 50%.
The “helpful” mansplaining i got was off the chart.
Back it goes!

Maybe you got a faulty one? Or maybe those fixes will be part of the paid package 😂
At this point the only other device on my radar might be the Ampero Stage. This Kemper Player is dreadful. I'll give it a few more hours but WOW is it bad the way it is right now. FM3 Turbo is a great option too but I was hoping to go with Kemper Player.
Another really poor way to connect to your account or the Kemper cloud via phone app.
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Mine is having this thing where I can't copy anything to the unit from Rig Manager. I don't mind sticking with the stock stuff but come on, this is nuts. It's not user error, either :-(
Mine is having this thing where I can't copy anything to the unit from Rig Manager. I don't mind sticking with the stock stuff but come on, this is nuts. It's not user error, either :-(
On the button of the rig manager send to player.

Or on player when you have stuff in editor hold down the button til it blinks, press it again. Stored

I got one more day than u on it...ain't rocket science once you gloss over the manual.