Some interesting news from Kemper (Profiler Player)

Although small by comparison ... this initial batch of 45 + Generic ... is really well chosen as i.m.h.o ... it will cover all the bases for the vast majority of players.

My *guess* is that the next "batch" of Amp Models added will include some more-common-boutiqueý stuff ..... Matchless (?) Trainwreck (?) Dumble (?) etc... just a guess though.

The " Me-Bo's " are there ... 2 of them ... but they are the Dual Recto Orange and Dual Recto Red.

Yeah, I was talking about MeBo´s Mark series, as adam also pointed out.
My guess was they filtered the free preset list in Rig manager, looked for the top 20-30 most commonly profiled amps, looked at what would be simpler to implement, and went from there.

Rectos are quite different to marks though in terms of tonestack - you've got the pre VS post gain EQ placement for a start. I guess there is also the graphic to consider - would kemper model the graphic EQ and expect you to create an LP with graphic off, or expect you to include the graphic as it doesn't impact the tonestack interactions? Etc.

Yeah, I was talking about MeBo´s Mark series, as adam also pointed out.

Again ...I'm just *guessing* here.

From KPA's perspective I would think the debate would be along the lines of .... there are 15 - 20 sub-revisions of Mark Series Amps .... [b.t.w ... I ran a purple strip Mark 3 for many years] ...... and then there are multiple channels in each .... and then there is the thorny-"truth"-topic of how popular and commonly used are Mark Series Amps for Players in 2024 (?) ... lots of Doctors and Dentists for sure at home ..... :) ..... but I've seen a fu%k-ton of bands and shows, locally and international .... played a bit too.... and apart from me several years ago .... I cant name one player that used a Mark series amp .... at any level ..... but I'm not into metal.

I would think / suggest the Mark series Amps is a very niche market (?) in the Tube amp world these days ..... but just my opinion :) ... in the metal world ... I have no idea.

Also, i.m.h.o ..... I'm pretty certain KPA aren't going to do or want to be a Fractal on this. They will - and CK has made it clear - release more "amp channels" ..... but I cant imagine them expending time on a Mark model when they are nowadays almost "invisible on the ground" :( (?) ...... and there are so many other popular boutiqueý amps to pick from (?)

And again ...... probably for %95 of players ..... %95 of the time ... the current existing list of 45 Channels / 22 amps ... probably covers %95 of everything wanted (?)

Having said all this ... no doubt the next LP Amp Channel additions will probably include a Mark series :)

Just my 2c worth.

All the best,
Again ...I'm just *guessing* here.

From KPA's perspective I would think the debate would be along the lines of .... there are 15 - 20 sub-revisions of Mark Series Amps .... [b.t.w ... I ran a purple strip Mark 3 for many years] ...... and then there are multiple channels in each .... and then there is the thorny-"truth"-topic of how popular and commonly used are Mark Series Amps for Players in 2024 (?) ... lots of Doctors and Dentists for sure at home ..... :) ..... but I've seen a fu%k-ton of bands and shows, locally and international .... played a bit too.... and apart from me several years ago .... I cant name one player that used a Mark series amp .... at any level ..... but I'm not into metal.

I would think / suggest the Mark series Amps is a very niche market (?) in the Tube amp world these days ..... but just my opinion :) ... in the metal world ... I have no idea.

Also, i.m.h.o ..... I'm pretty certain KPA aren't going to do or want to be a Fractal on this. They will - and CK has made it clear - release more "amp channels" ..... but I cant imagine them expending time on a Mark model when they are nowadays almost "invisible on the ground" :( (?) ...... and there are so many other popular boutiqueý amps to pick from (?)

And again ...... probably for %95 of players ..... %95 of the time ... the current existing list of 45 Channels / 22 amps ... probably covers %95 of everything wanted (?)

Having said all this ... no doubt the next LP Amp Channel additions will probably include a Mark series :)

Just my 2c worth.

All the best,
No. Mark is life.
Again ...I'm just *guessing* here.

From KPA's perspective I would think the debate would be along the lines of .... there are 15 - 20 sub-revisions of Mark Series Amps .... [b.t.w ... I ran a purple strip Mark 3 for many years] ...... and then there are multiple channels in each .... and then there is the thorny-"truth"-topic of how popular and commonly used are Mark Series Amps for Players in 2024 (?) ... lots of Doctors and Dentists for sure at home ..... :) ..... but I've seen a fu%k-ton of bands and shows, locally and international .... played a bit too.... and apart from me several years ago .... I cant name one player that used a Mark series amp .... at any level ..... but I'm not into metal.

I would think / suggest the Mark series Amps is a very niche market (?) in the Tube amp world these days ..... but just my opinion :) ... in the metal world ... I have no idea.

Also, i.m.h.o ..... I'm pretty certain KPA aren't going to do or want to be a Fractal on this. They will - and CK has made it clear - release more "amp channels" ..... but I cant imagine them expending time on a Mark model when they are nowadays almost "invisible on the ground" :( (?) ...... and there are so many other popular boutiqueý amps to pick from (?)

And again ...... probably for %95 of players ..... %95 of the time ... the current existing list of 45 Channels / 22 amps ... probably covers %95 of everything wanted (?)

Having said all this ... no doubt the next LP Amp Channel additions will probably include a Mark series :)

Just my 2c worth.

All the best,
Mesa Mark series being a niche market? Well, I don't have statistics, but I think the Mark IIc+ is one of the most sought after amps out there.

Regarding players using marks... I usually don't go looking what players use (even when I'm interested). But Petrucci was a mark user (he even has a signature one). I'm sure there'll be many, many more. Mark series are not necessarily metal amps. They are quite versatile, actually.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong, sure.
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Yeah, that’s the most likely outcome. So I’ll either just bite the bullet on these Kemper units hitting $900, or I’ll continue to watch from afar.

FWIW, my interest in dual profiles is more for digitizing my OD/Boost collection to be used with my digitized amps. I think that’s a killer feature of the QC.
I would love it if I could digitize my OD pedals. I have a ton of them that I like. I did profile a few of my pedals with my Kemper. The results were varied. Some sounded decent but came out dark. Others came out good. I have not tried this with the liquid profile feature. It may work better now.
I would love it if I could digitize my OD pedals. I have a ton of them that I like. I did profile a few of my pedals with my Kemper. The results were varied. Some sounded decent but came out dark. Others came out good. I have not tried this with the liquid profile feature. It may work better now.
Taboo around here but it sounds like you'd enjoy a QC
Definitely one of the coolest parts about the QC. I'm VERY happy with the captures I've made of my drive/boost pedals.

That's really one of the most tempting things with the QC for me. I have quite some pedals that are quite nice but still not worth allowing them to waste space on my pedalboard. Add to this that most of them are pretty much one trick ponies anyway, so a single capture would possibly do them justice.
But then, it's from NDSP - and if it wasn't for the company, my feet are rather large. Hence a double-no.
That's really one of the most tempting things with the QC for me. I have quite some pedals that are quite nice but still not worth allowing them to waste space on my pedalboard. Add to this that most of them are pretty much one trick ponies anyway, so a single capture would possibly do them justice.
But then, it's from NDSP - and if it wasn't for the company, my feet are rather large. Hence a double-no.
Pumuckl feet? :-)
Thing is, apart from the FAS offerings, regardless of the underlying modeling/capturing, the Kemper right now is the only platform allowing you to quickly chose between different gain/tone-stacks. That's something attracting me a whole lot - and I'm not even remotely interested in the added authenticity available through such maneuvers, I just like the additional tonal flexibility.
As of today Jan 11 .... its the original / existing 1 x Generic Stack + 45 New Amp Channels [ 22 different Amps as best I can tell ] .... see attached list:-

View attachment 17144

Pretty funny how most of it is Fender amps. There's loooooaaaadddss missing. Shame.

There's nothing meh in being able to quickly swap gain/tone stacks at all, more to the opposite. I have a whole amount of patches with EQs inserted here and there. Flexible tonestacks would allow me to save big.
Ideally, there would even be a "freeform" tonestack, allowing you to route each band pre/post and also set the frequency and bandwidth. And maybe the interaction with the other bands. Yeah, I know, sort of like a parametric EQ, but I want that tonestack to be available as a part of the amp and only initially grab some parameters under the hood.
Flexible tonestacks would allow me to save big.
Ideally, there would even be a "freeform" tonestack, allowing you to route each band pre/post and also set the frequency and bandwidth. A
Do you mean like this? Not being snarky, I've never messed with it but seems to be what you mean?

Taboo around here but it sounds like you'd enjoy a QC
I already had Fractal and Kemper units when they came out so I never really looked into them much. I also read many posts about shortcoming with the unit. I am honestly not a big fan of a touchscreen on a floor unit either. Who knows, maybe some day when I get bored and am looking for something new to play with.
There's nothing meh in being able to quickly swap gain/tone stacks at all, more to the opposite. I have a whole amount of patches with EQs inserted here and there. Flexible tonestacks would allow me to save big.
Ideally, there would even be a "freeform" tonestack, allowing you to route each band pre/post and also set the frequency and bandwidth. And maybe the interaction with the other bands. Yeah, I know, sort of like a parametric EQ, but I want that tonestack to be available as a part of the amp and only initially grab some parameters under the hood.
I'm not interested in that. I'm interested in 1:1 replications of real tube amps. Go on. Call me conservative or whatever, I don't give a shit.