Upfront .....
don't read the reveal in comments section of the clip below before playing this video back several times.
Not gonna debate or argue which is "measurably better" or anything like that .... I'm well aware of the null tests and spectral deep dives etc.... or what each person prefers ... we all hear and feel things differently ..... and that is humanly
unavoidable physiologically .... its
all good :)
I posted this video a few pages back and it sank like a stone ... but its quite indicative:-
NAM v Tonex v Kemper v Real Amp
isnt in any way a dig at anyone ...
but I would defy anyone ... including the head "golden ears" at Line 6 or Fractal or Kemper to identify which is the Real Amp and which are the others.
Its 12+ years old .... but for raw Amp tones its as good as anything out there despite all the current AI stuff ... to
my ears and hands .. still the gold standard.
No wonder its still the 1st choice for '000's of recording studios and touring bands globally.
Astonishing really when you think about it.