Some interesting news from Kemper (Profiler Player)

A work in progress, but a TGF receptiveness flow chart in the making…

  • Fractal
  • Line 6 (Minus JCM800)
  • Mesa
  • Marshall (Minus pricing in the states)
  • Friedman (Minus La Szum)
  • Synergy
  • ENGL
  • Strymon
Meme Reaction GIF

  • Neural DSP
  • GearTuber’s not named Leon Todd or John Cordy
  • Meris pedals with the bubble menus
  • Chase Bliss
  • Fender digital products
  • Universal Audio pedals
rage GIF

  • Anything by Boss that is not a 30 year old stomp box
  • Everything else that is not covered above
Bored Married With Children GIF
This isn’t some old random 3rd party device.

I still think this will probably be cool for some people embedded in their ecosystem, I just don’t see this expanding their reach.
Aren’t you simply supporting the line of reasoning that it was never meant to be a smaller equal or better Stage or Toaster?
Of course he understands what is and isn’t in the design/box. Yes some of his team is tossing around the idea of what they might be able to do beyond its original design. I think it was primarily designed for pedalboard users to replace Iridium’s etc on their boards and introduce more people to Kempers uses in general.
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If 80% of Kemper users don’t actually profile and simply use it as a ‘player’ then turning the new Player into everything the older units offer except ability to profile you effectively reduce 80% of all future sales to be permanently discounted by around 65%.

If it was your company would you do that?
for 4-500 dollars it would be worth a try but 750?
No Way Commando GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
So why the f%ck does it say "Profiler" in big letters on the front ?

Deliberately "bait'y" marketing (?) -or- an acknowledgement that one of the future paid-upgrade options will be an add-on-hardware-box that allows you to add profiling to the player (?)

However .... the lack-off / missing Amp deep-editing parameters is a *very big* neutering from an Amp tweaking perspective.

for 4-500 dollars it would be worth a try but 750?
No Way Commando GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
I don’t think you understand the question, but you get a cookie for the Aaahrnold gif!
It is for sale, some people will get it. Some don’t and won’t.

and in that vein….is there a Tuco gif? …because I definitely need to ‘Stop. Helping.’
I was kinda wondering that. No modeler vendor has to my knowledge made any expansion capabilities to their units beyond adding footcontrollers.

It would be neat to buy some extension I/O box for this stuff that you leave at home when you don't need all that and bring a more compact unit. Now that means you have two modelers.
"I just don't quite have room for the extra XLR jack for this gig"
So why the f%ck does it say "Profiler" in big letters on the front ?

Deliberately "bait'y" marketing (?) -or- an acknowledgement that one of the future paid-upgrade options will be an add-on-hardware-box that allows you to add profiling to the player (?)

However .... the lack-off / missing Amp deep-editing parameters is a *very big* neutering from an Amp tweaking perspective.


Then they should have named it “Profile” Player, not “Profiler” Player.

I'm sure they call it Profiler because of the trademark:

Just had another look and unless I'm missing it ... it doesn't say "Player" anywhere on it ..... "Profiler" however is very prominent .... Nux / Donner / Mooer would be proud !