Some interesting news from Kemper (Profiler Player)

Another size comparison:
If you chopped off the FM3 footswitches and their displays (and shrunk the main PCB a bit...), you'd end up with a FM0 that is somewhere between the QC and HX Stomp/GT-1000 Core in size.

Unit added to your image.

Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 10.20.01.png

Damn cute little sucker!
Every time one of these smaller devices comes out guitarists have such simple expectations:
  • It must have 5 footswitches and no footswitches
  • It must have a 7” touch screen
  • It must contain every. single. feature. on the rack size flagship device
  • It must have multiple stereo effects loops
  • It must have stereo XLR, 1/4”, SPDIF, USB out
  • It must be fully MIDI controllable
  • It must have BlueTooth
  • It must have WiFi
  • It must have a full desktop editor and a mobile editor
And it must be the size of a MXR Distortion + and cost $2.99
Every time one of these smaller devices comes out guitarists have such simple expectations:
  • It must have 5 footswitches and no footswitches
  • It must have a 7” touch screen
  • It must contain every. single. feature. on the rack size flagship device
  • It must have multiple stereo effects loops
  • It must have stereo XLR, 1/4”, SPDIF, USB out
  • It must be fully MIDI controllable
  • It must have BlueTooth
  • It must have WiFi
  • It must have a full desktop editor and a mobile editor
And it must be the size of a MXR Distortion + and cost $2.99
Ampero Stomp II Stage..... :-)
Every time one of these smaller devices comes out guitarists have such simple expectations:
  • It must have 5 footswitches and no footswitches
  • It must have a 7” touch screen
  • It must contain every. single. feature. on the rack size flagship device
  • It must have multiple stereo effects loops
  • It must have stereo XLR, 1/4”, SPDIF, USB out
  • It must be fully MIDI controllable
  • It must have BlueTooth
  • It must have WiFi
  • It must have a full desktop editor and a mobile editor
And it must be the size of a MXR Distortion + and cost $2.99
I think it boils down to once folks have decided the product is not for them (myself on this guy) -- then they just start piling on all the additional "reasons" they won't be buying it, when the reality is that none of us are all that rational in terms of our shopping in this sphere.

See: me describing this as overpriced and then turning around and buying an Ox Stomp... :bonk:bonk:bonk:bonk
Defenitely. Depending on how they organized the handling (didn't look into the manual so far, too friggin' sick atm, goddamn Covid plague...), this could pretty easily serve for smaller gigs, would make up for a killer gigbag rig and what not. I can easily see this to rival, say, an HX Stomp regarding that. And in case the BT connection is fast and solid, you could even go as far as to dedicate a small 2nd hand tablet to the unit (it's just an extra 50 bucks), even if I personally would still prefer at least a small screen (just displaying preset and tweaked parameter names).
You and me both with COVID. All I can do is sleep. Every time I blink I’m 3 hours closer to ruining my kid’s Christmas. :facepalm

This is a non-sequitur, by the way. :D
Every time one of these smaller devices comes out guitarists have such simple expectations:
  • It must have 5 footswitches and no footswitches
  • It must have a 7” touch screen
  • It must contain every. single. feature. on the rack size flagship device
  • It must have multiple stereo effects loops
  • It must have stereo XLR, 1/4”, SPDIF, USB out
  • It must be fully MIDI controllable
  • It must have BlueTooth
  • It must have WiFi
  • It must have a full desktop editor and a mobile editor
And it must be the size of a MXR Distortion + and cost $2.99
There’s a little TB2 in all of us
Such a killer little box. Such a RIDICULOUS power solution. One reason I'm really looking forward to the Amperium is it uses a standard 9V adapter.
I almost never use the Line 6 power supply. My Stomp has been running on battery power for as long as I've had it. (And the wallwart that feeds the battery as needed is reasonably sized LOL.)
I think someone said it doesn’t get the new tech Kemper Drives and Fuzz but only has the original drive stuff which was weak. If I’m not mistaken modeled drives are not as process intensive as delays and reverbs. So if they are just cherry picking features to keep a premium attraction to the full size equipment I’m not a happy camper about that.
The Kemper Drive/Fuzz update was impressive sounding, I’ll miss it..but I’m not cancelling the order…not saying I won’t return it if other disappointments arise.

i can live without a screen but it sure would be nice to have an indication which Bank your five rig buttons are activating. I could organize amp type by bank number and set them up in order by gain 1-5
no way my old brain can remember what I put in 50 slots though.

edit to add: just looked at picture again, maybe they did designate it. The button is lit and every other led is directly above the five buttons number 1-5. So maybe the lit button is the button designation (obviously) and the bank is designated by the lone lit led. So in the pic above its bank 1, rig 1
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i can live without a screen but it sure would be nice to have an indication which Bank your five rig buttons are activating. I could organize amp type by bank number and set them up in order by gain 1-5
The two LEDs above the Bank button are supposed to show which Bank you're on.



(Not sure why the product photos online show both LEDs lit with green light...)