Some interesting news from Kemper (Profiler Player)

I'd say I'm offering my 2 cents, but since I'm English, I'll only offer a penny for my thoughts:

Loads of people, myself included, have been asking for a Kemper profile player for years, but it took the ToneX pedal to be released for it to actually happen.

The existence of the ToneX pedal may have had literally nothing to do with Kemper bringing this out, but it does offer a significantly cheaper way for most people (who will never profile an amp) to sample what Kemper has to offer.

Liquid profiling definitely piqued my curiosity, and this product, at pretty much half the cost of a Kemper stage, gives me the opportunity to try out the Kemper ecosystem at a significantly lower cost, so I am going to give it a go.

I'm sure I'm not alone in this.
I'm surprised you haven't tried a Kemper before!
I'm surprised you haven't tried a Kemper before!
I was always put off by the onboard UI and the fixed signal chain - this product completely skirts around the UI issues with a mobile app, and the fixed signal chain isn't much of an issue if it isn't going to be an "all-in-one" box.

I feel that Kemper has got quite a bit right with this unit, although I doubt I'd be so interested if liquid profiles weren't on the table.
feel that Kemper has got quite a bit right with this unit, although I doubt I'd be so interested if liquid profiles weren't on the table.
Liquid Profiling is very cool, almost game changing if you will!

I still don't think Kemper hits the metal genre well but anything below chugs and pinch harmonics hits home.

I hope you enjoy it
Show me one post where I shit on Fractal products, some asinine users, oh most definitely but products no. I won’t be waiting because you won’t find it.

I remember at TGP, after 3 years of posting there I found out you owned an FM3 and couldn’t believe it. When I said something like “Holy shit, I’d never assume you even had a mild interest in a Fractal unit based off your posts“, you replied with something in regards to me stalking you. :rofl

I’m not sure if this is a situation of you not recognizing what you put out there, but by I’m STILL surprised that you own(ed) a Fractal and that happened 2 years ago. :ROFLMAO:
They all do, don’t they?

Fractal has the FM3, Mooer has like 10 GE‘s and NDSP just doesn’t update the QC.

I don’t think Fractal really gets the whole “fit it on your pedalboard” thing, at least with this generation. Both the FM3 and FM9 are pretty huge.

But I also think this goes along with their ethos, which often seems like “why would you need anything else other than our models and effects.”
PS: Do we know if this thing can create profiles? The documentation suggests it can't, but i couldn't find any confirmation so far.
I remember at TGP, after 3 years of posting there I found out you owned an FM3 and couldn’t believe it. When I said something like “Holy shit, I’d never assume you even had a mild interest in a Fractal unit based off your posts“, you replied with something in regards to me stalking you. :rofl

I’m not sure if this is a situation of you not recognizing what you put out there, but by I’m STILL surprised that you own(ed) a Fractal and that happened 2 years ago. :ROFLMAO:
I can’t help how people read what I post but I haven’t ever posted that Fractal gear is crap and haven’t ever since I got a Standard in early 2000’s and played one. If people find my past of poking fun at fanboys sucking FAS ass and not thinking the FAS gear is the end all be all as “he’d doesn’t own one or would” then that’s just silly. That’s all I’ve ever done and that by no means means I wouldn’t own a piece of gear. That’s like I wouldn’t drive a Porsche because some asshole down the street has one. That’s just stupid. Now if I think a Porsche is not a good car or not the best for what I need it for then yes I may not own one or maybe I would because I do find it useful or more rare occasions but not for everything.

What people read into things they read here or at “the place not be mentioned” is on them but I will correct the record if you start saying shit about me that’s not true about what I’ve said
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Anyone else surprised that they released it less than a week before Christmas? I guess anytime before Christmas is better than after, but it still seems like they missed out on a ton of sales.
would like to see a gt-1 screen on this thing

i only say this because when i had one i liked the clarity crispness and brightness of the screen on a cheaper unit.
I didn’t get one from a @JiveTurkey tag either, the other day.

Maybe a forum software thing, @DrewJD82 ?

Sometimes I miss them as well, because I’ll wander into a thread where someone’s tagged me or quoted me and I don’t recall seeing the notifications, but sometimes I go away for a couple hours and come back to 45 notifications, so I don’t know if I’M missing them or it’s the software buggin’ out.