So I suppose this will be my official intro to the complete room.
This is what I work with, when I work it.
2007 Gibson SG Faded with about a grand worth of upgrades over the years...bought on ebay in 2012 for 500.
1996 Carvin AE 185 best guitar, and most versatile I have ever owned, cannot say enough about this amazing some research it can do anything you want ...even metal.
Ashamed to say I purchased it from a friend that didn't really know what he had....and may have been hard up..... offered him 100, all I had....he took stole it I suppose. Thses things are very pricey I got my money out of it.
Top row left to right- Boss Tera Echo, Boss SY 1 Synth, ISP Decimator G-string, Caline Brigade (TS+Timmy), Caline Queen Bee OD, Pigtronix Octavia.
Bottom row left to right - Digitech Jamman Stereo Delay and Phrase Sampler/Looper (cannot get rid of this thing, love it.), Headrush MX-5, donner passive volume/exp (exp), kokko compressor (rarely used, but comes in handy at times) Morley Bad Horsie II.....also the MVAVE Chocolate Midi controller.
Bought my SKB pedal board at the same time as sg, for 129 in ebay..... conditioner and pedal power, yes ...and stereo patch bay with stereoloop...yes. I cheap out on drive and pre gain sounds.....oh well....they are cheap to make.
So, the thunder.
Dual mono/wet/dry/stereo config
Left - Laney IRT 120 (dry) 2 x 12 (celestions) cannot remember kind.
Right - katana power amp (wet) 2 x 12(eminence swamp thangs)
Use modeler for everything on right side ... unless I do the split after my Laney pre (FX loop block).
Ask questions if you want I suppose. Hello all....I guess this means I may have to use it all soon that I have looked at it again for the first time in months.

PS...if you don't know about the Caline Queen Bee should, absolutely the best thing ever. It is based on the BFE/Mad Professor Sweet Honey good.