Couple of FM3 questions (considering switch from Kemper)

Long time Kemper user considering a switch. Reason is I want a small footprint unit on the same platform as my “main rig”….have been anticipating on a small kemper…but unfortunately they didn’t include a full feature efx set…so that’s a no go for me. I‘m biased against L6, own the Boss Core..which is awesome in many departments…but on the amp side of things KPA still not 100% on board in that department. FM3 and QC are the remaining on my list.

My typical setup would be stereo to returns of amps…and a cabsimmed feed to foh ( stereo/mono..idnk tbh)
On the feed to amps I use the global EQ a lot.

- can the 2 trs outputs (send and output2) be configured to be a stereo output?(no cabsim)
- is that a global setting?…or pre preset?
- would there be a global eq on that output….or would I have to fall back to an eqblock per preset?
- is there a global “cabs off” for that output…or something I’d have to configure in the routing of the preset?

the headphones out might be a candidate for use of the feed to amps…can that be configured as an output without cabsims? would it allow output of line level?
If I understood correctly, you want two separate stereo outputs? In that case you could just go from output 1 XLR to FOH and use output 2 for the amps. They are separate stereo outs. You can route the signal so that you have cab sims on output 1 and no cab sims on out 2. Just split the signal before the cab block. There are separate global eq's for each output (graphic or parametric).
Long time Kemper user considering a switch. Reason is I want a small footprint unit on the same platform as my “main rig”….have been anticipating on a small kemper…but unfortunately they didn’t include a full feature efx set…so that’s a no go for me. I‘m biased against L6, own the Boss Core..which is awesome in many departments…but on the amp side of things KPA still not 100% on board in that department. FM3 and QC are the remaining on my list.

My typical setup would be stereo to returns of amps…and a cabsimmed feed to foh ( stereo/mono..idnk tbh)
On the feed to amps I use the global EQ a lot.

- can the 2 trs outputs (send and output2) be configured to be a stereo output?(no cabsim)
- is that a global setting?…or pre preset?
- would there be a global eq on that output….or would I have to fall back to an eqblock per preset?
- is there a global “cabs off” for that output…or something I’d have to configure in the routing of the preset?

the headphones out might be a candidate for use of the feed to amps…can that be configured as an output without cabsims? would it allow output of line level?
1) Yes, OUT2 is a separate stereo output. Put the OUTPUT 2 block on the grid before the CAB block.
2) Both possible. But: cab modeling can be disabled globally, but not per output. Solution above.
3) Yes, each output has its own output EQ.
4) See above.
5) Headphones output is always the same as Output 1. Cannot be configured differently. No need to.