Satchel's Rig Rundown, touring an AmpliFire 3

As I said above, I used to like Korn and Slipknot as a kid, but find that sound to be awful these days. Djent has had a lot of impact as well, but that doesn't mean it is a positive impact. If you dislike Djent, an argument could be made that Metallica (in general after the first album or two) suck because they spurred on the whole "scoop the mids beyond infinity!!" s**t that nu metal and latter Pantera made worse. Djent, as an over correction of that, is possibly as bad or worse because it went from soggy, over saturated mud to artificially tight, honky, clanky nonsense.

I'm not as adamant on either side of that argument, I'm simply pointing out it could be made without much effort.

Oh I’m totally out of that running, if a song’s killer, it’s killer for me, regardless of the tones involved.
Mudvayne. Now there's a band unfairly tarnished by the nu-metal label.

Their nu-prog-metal if anything. Aside from the down tuned guitars the only thing possibly related them to nu-metal was Chad’s rapid fire vocal stuff in “Dig” which some claimed was rap. All this said, I’ve started threads on other forums about Mudvayne that turned into multiple pages of people telling me I loved a sh*tty nu-metal band. :rofl

Their first two albums were actual life-saving albums for me and while the 3rd isn’t what I’d consider a great Mudvayne album, I still dig the songs. One of my all time favorite bands and they put out more sh*tty albums than awesome ones. LD 50 and The Beginning Of All Things To End are both f*cking phenomenal and if they would have stayed in the lane of the 2nd album….man….that album is like a perfect mix of Tool and Pantera.
Mudvayne is tarnished retroactively (to a small degree) because of the dumb costumes. Mainly; it's because of the steaming pile of dung that is HellYeah and the whole thing that seems counter to any sort of vibe Chud/Choad/wtever his name is was trying to put out to the audience in Mudvayne. My 2cents, at least.
Edited for I think Mudvayne is awesome. I think they are the victim of a lot of collateral damage from a number of different directions. Which is too bad, generally speaking. I hope their reformation/reunion goes off like it should.
Their nu-prog-metal if anything. Aside from the down tuned guitars the only thing possibly related them to nu-metal was Chad’s rapid fire vocal stuff in “Dig” which some claimed was rap. All this said, I’ve started threads on other forums about Mudvayne that turned into multiple pages of people telling me I loved a sh*tty nu-metal band. :rofl

Their first two albums were actual life-saving albums for me and while the 3rd isn’t what I’d consider a great Mudvayne album, I still dig the songs. One of my all time favorite bands and they put out more sh*tty albums than awesome ones. LD 50 and The Beginning Of All Things To End are both f*cking phenomenal and if they would have stayed in the lane of the 2nd album….man….that album is like a perfect mix of Tool and Pantera.
Tool and Pantera... *shudders*

I can just imagine taking the worst bits of Pantera, the meme aspects of Tool (ie, what most people predict an AI songwriting tool to create), and you'd have a pretty dreary 60 minutes in my opinion. I love Power Metal, CFH, and Vulgar, but after that, Pantera got pretty dreadful. Meanwhile, I've always felt, even while smoking the devil's lettuce, that I was not high enough to enjoy Tool. Plus, Tool's fans tended to be Juggalos sans face paint. Put the lot of them in a lineup, and I'd say they were the same person.
A forum full of nu metal fans and apologists.
Edited for I think Mudvayne is awesome. I think they are the victim of a lot of collateral damage from a number of different directions. Which is too bad, generally speaking. I hope their reformation/reunion goes off like it should.
Franchesca Ramsey Abandon Thread GIF by chescaleigh
100% agreed.

LD50 and The Beginning.... those are lifer albums for me.
I swear to god you’re my UK counterpoint.
Mudvayne is tarnished retroactively (to a small degree) because of the dumb costumes. Mainly; it's because of the steaming pile of dung that is HellYeah and the whole thing that seems counter to any sort of vibe Chud/Choad/wtever his name is was trying to put out to the audience in Mudvayne. My 2cents, at least.

Edited for I think Mudvayne is awesome. I think they are the victim of a lot of collateral damage from a number of different directions. Which is too bad, generally speaking. I hope their reformation/reunion goes off like it should.

Much agreed. Man, I heard about Hellyeah months, maybe a year before the first album came out and I was SO F*CKING EXCITED I could barely contain myself. I’m thinking we’re going to hear basically Pantera with Mudvayne vocals and that’s absolutely not what happened. I remember exactly where I was when I first heard the first single and getting stoked hearing Chad’s voice and Vin’s drums….but the awesome part in the song never came…..and then “Alcohaulin’ Ass” came out after, I was living in f*cking Hick-fille Florida at the time and the song just fit ALL the people I was surrounded with while I was holding onto my sanity as a result of being surrounded by only people who would REALLY LIKE THAT SONG…..the writing was on the wall at that point.

The only good that came of that album was me wanting to see them live to see if it was any better in a live situation, which is how we ended up at the Dean NAMM Jam where I got shitfaced with Dug from King’s X while we watched them.
I swear to god you’re my UK counterpoint.

Much agreed. Man, I heard about Hellyeah months, maybe a year before the first album came out and I was SO F*CKING EXCITED I could barely contain myself. I’m thinking we’re going to hear basically Pantera with Mudvayne vocals and that’s absolutely not what happened. I remember exactly where I was when I first heard the first single and getting stoked hearing Chad’s voice and Vin’s drums….but the awesome part in the song never came…..and then “Alcohaulin’ Ass” came out after, I was living in f*cking Hick-fille Florida at the time and the song just fit ALL the people I was surrounded with while I was holding onto my sanity as a result of being surrounded by only people who would REALLY LIKE THAT SONG…..the writing was on the wall at that point.

The only good that came of that album was me wanting to see them live to see if it was any better in a live situation, which is how we ended up at the Dean NAMM Jam where I got shitfaced with Dug from King’s X while we watched them.
They were certainly going for "commercial" versus going for cool. I get it; but man...ugh.
Have your Mesa amps blown up their fuses in fear of nu metal riffs?
Tool and Pantera... *shudders*

I can just imagine taking the worst bits of Pantera, the meme aspects of Tool (ie, what most people predict an AI songwriting tool to create), and you'd have a pretty dreary 60 minutes in my opinion. I love Power Metal, CFH, and Vulgar, but after that, Pantera got pretty dreadful. Meanwhile, I've always felt, even while smoking the devil's lettuce, that I was not high enough to enjoy Tool. Plus, Tool's fans tended to be Juggalos sans face paint. Put the lot of them in a lineup, and I'd say they were the same person.

Celebrate Way To Go GIF by DraftKings
Satchel is a 53 year old, grown-ass man, acting like an 18 year old playing off of the same 80’s hair band parody for the past 20 years. It was funny for the first few albums, but that s**t is stale as f**k IMO.

Sure, the guy can play guitar. but he’s no comedian. That entire rig rundown was awkward as f**k.

Yup. A gag with a short shelf life that goes nowhere. Great comedians have to have new material, just
like a musician or artist. Can't hammer the same tired tropes over and over again and expect people to
not be critical of that.

Expires Grocery Store GIF by Travis

I dunno man, hair metal had what, a 5 year run? Nu metal started in the early/mid 90’s and bands like Korn, Deftones, Slipknot, Disturbed (if they fall in that umbrella) have had wildly successful careers going on 30 years now. Mudvayne hasn’t even put out new music and they’re headlining sheds. Limp Bizkit has barely put out music and still remains a top draw. All those bands kept selling high numbers of albums and while some might crack jokes about Jnco jeans, I don’t think the nu-metal shame runs nearly as deep as the hair metal shame and admitting “Yeah, I used to perm my hair or use 5 cans of Aqua Net while stealing my mother’s lipstick” does. :rofl

Going to look for old pics where I permed and sprayed my hair. Be right back. :LOL:
Not really trying; Ross is still cited as a pioneer and bands are still working with him to recreate that sound as much as they can. People still LOVE those first two Korn albums and Slipknot’s Iowa is largely debated among Slipknot fans as being their holy grail. If you’re not a fan of that music of course it’s not going to mean sh*t to you, but that production style is still sought after today and spoken about with a lot of respect because of the impact it had.

Personally, I can’t stand it. I couldn’t stand it back then, either, but that doesn’t negate me from seeing the impact it’s had and how people still hold onto it dearly.

Please tell me Slipknot is not being lumped into Nu Metal here... :hmm