Satchel's Rig Rundown, touring an AmpliFire 3

Back to OP, @Jarick and @paisleywookiee I wonder if maybe you were stuck with some crappy presets with EQ/compression etc. locked in on the AFB - I always found that editor buggy as hell, but once working, found the tones to be same as those I got with AA3...I was using exact same amp settings and IRs.
Back to OP, @Jarick and @paisleywookiee I wonder if maybe you were stuck with some crappy presets with EQ/compression etc. locked in on the AFB - I always found that editor buggy as hell, but once working, found the tones to be same as those I got with AA3...I was using exact same amp settings and IRs.
Don’t know. But once the Stomp came out, I never gave it another thought.
Meh Kinda GIF by Cultura

Trying to recall the time I started playing music because it was about the yuks. :idk

I get that they have their "thing," and there is a place in the world for SP when it comes
to overtanned and artificially buxomed, middle-aged, bleach blondes contemplating their
next tanning session. Just not for me.

Oh, and can't wait to see them doing this at 70. That's going to be a riot. :LOL:

Started playing music? Like from the very start? That's a bit of a stretch in regards to a band doing shtick for a living. :rofl

That said, my ex's brother did pick up guitar because of Tenacious D, so it can't be ruled out entirely I suppose.
It blew me away when I learned that Satchel was the stage name of one of the pair of the greatest hardcore punk guitarists ever in history, especially as it was meant to be metal and paired with a metal singer. I seem to have fixated on "Contortion" and "Viscious" as like the ultimate culmination of what pre rollins black flag, chaos UK, Agnostic Front, poison idea and pre swamp rock corrosion of conformity meant to hit us with, and with leads even awesomer than the Meatmen
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The first time I saw Satchel interviewed he actually seemed pretty funny and witty. Over the years it got a lot more cringey. No problem with the band doing its thing (basically like Spinal Tap for 80's hair metal), but IMO they probably should be a little more low key in interviews.
Is it really them, or is it the increasingly narrowing window on which subjects we are allowed to joke about and what words we are allowed to use?

Its crazy to me to put on punk shows and now the bands I get showing up are ASKING, no DEMANDING with violence, censorship and to stop people from expressing themselves
Didn't say anyone was comparing SP to Prog. It obviously has the built in cheese factor. I just like better/different cheese.
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And if ya meet those guys without the wigs and spandex, they’re just regular dudes and not making sex jokes. Met ‘em once at an airport and another time after the show. Really nice guys and actually, Satchel was the least talkative/outgoing both times. Not to the point I‘d say he was annoyed, but you very much tell he prefers keeping his character separate from his actual life.
Didn’t punch anyone in the face.

5 Stars

Chuck Billy

Is it really them, or is it the increasingly narrowing window on which subjects we are allowed to joke about and what words we are allowed to use?

Its crazy to me to put on punk shows and now the bands I get showing up are ASKING, no DEMANDING with violence, censorship and to stop people from expressing themselves
It's them. Offensive humor if funny af as long as it's, you know; funny.
Is it really them, or is it the increasingly narrowing window on which subjects we are allowed to joke about and what words we are allowed to use?

Its crazy to me to put on punk shows and now the bands I get showing up are ASKING, no DEMANDING with violence, censorship and to stop people from expressing themselves

Honestly can't really answer that question per forum rules.

Anyways, I watched the full rig rundown last night and it was more enjoyable than I thought. Satchel had a few funny lines in there. The Valerie B thing wasn't nearly as bad as others made it out to be IMO. And yes there were several very cringey lines early, but he seemed to mellow out by the end of the interview actually talking gear for a bit.

The real star though was John Bollinger. He played the straight man wonderfully and had a few good lines himself. And the laughing camera guy helped some of the bad jokes land.
I always want to root for Atomic. I keep hoping they will escape what seems to be perpetually troubled waters and have a long period of clear sailing.

I tried amplifire multiple times and just never could love it. I love the real amp controls and the products themselves seem well thought out, but I never found myself thinking it could replace my real amps purely from an enjoyment standpoint.

Gen2/3 Fractal and Kemper (and now Tonex) are like playing a tube amp for me, at least to the point that I'm not constantly fighting to figure out how to make it seem like a tube amp. HX and Atomic were a little less so- great tools that lots of people get great sounds out of but I always struggle. I'll readily admit that it is my limitation.

The Satchel character is sorta humorous at times but I wouldn't mind if he was a little more subtle- especially in a gear interview. Monster player though, carrying the gunslinger flag proudly.
I think the thing that cracks me up the most isn’t so much the band, but all the channels/interviews they’re on that don’t edit them out.

I tend to look at the band the same way I did Howard Stern in the 90’s; yeah, it’s shtick and to some it’s offensive, but does anyone really need to step in a pile of sh*t to understand it’s squishy and smells bad? Ya know what you’re going to get with them like everyone did with Stern in the 90’s, if it’s tasteless, offensive or not funny, there are plenty of ways to not hear it.

Comedy has taken a hit over the years and I strongly feel satire and comedy should be untouched unless it’s someone being hateful for the sake of being hateful. As much as the SP guys make derogatory statements and over the top sexual comments, it’s all coming through the character of washed up losers who live in their mother’s basements, they aren’t exactly punching down.
Wow. You guys are rough on Steel Panther. I think they are pretty great as musicians and Hair Metal was my inspiration for playing, so I actually enjoy their entire thing for the most part. I'm willing to give them a really wide berth... Satchel is a smoking player, IMHO, (that Atomic tone slays, too) and they've done some catchy original tunes in a style that no one does anymore for the most part...

I totally understand why someone might find them dumb/unfunny; especially if you were not into music during the Hair era... and even if you were, I do understand how someone might find it funny for like one or two interviews/albums but got worn out quickly. Most over the top kind of humor loses its effectiveness for the general audience pretty quick.

I think as a society we have very nearly completely lost our ability to tolerate other people's tastes. On the net, we are constantly seeking out and being fed things that reinforce our beliefs and opinions. I pity anyone trying to do comedy right now whether they are good at their job or not, they are likely to suffer at the hands of the current zeitgeist. Kind of ironic in a way.
Satchel is a 53 year old, grown-ass man, acting like an 18 year old playing off of the same 80’s hair band parody for the past 20 years. It was funny for the first few albums, but that shit is stale as fuck IMO.

Sure, the guy can play guitar. but he’s no comedian. That entire rig rundown was awkward as fuck.