New Line 6 product speculation thread [disclosure: HX One]

Believe me, if HX One had amps (which means adding a headphone amp, a lot more flash for IR loading, additional UI hardware, etc. to accommodate it), we'd sell way fewer HX Ones. A lot of people here simply aren't the target customer, which is exactly what I said the other day.
I do find it quite humourous that people like us, on forums such as these, think that we *know* the market better than Line 6...

I'm certain that this pedal will sell by the bucketload!
I think we are taking it well
Clap Good Job GIF by Team Coco
Did you expect any different 😂
Yeah but the stomp is significantly more $$$ imo

Like I said, I'll be interested to see who ends up with these on their boards. The HX Stomp opened up a lot of doors for Line 6 because it landed on a lot of pedalboards from guys who wouldn't touch a Pod or Helix. Probably similar to the DL4, which was a standalone pedal.

Maybe the hope is a lot of folks buy this, really enjoy the effects, then realize they need to upgrade to the Stomp to be able to use more than one?
Yeah definitely not for me, but I'm sure they worked out the demand for this.
What's so hard to understand about this? There's clearly a market for a single effect at the time multi FX pedal or the Eventide H9 wouldn't exist.

It seems like a pretty obvious product to build considering they need to do barely any work by reusing the library of code from the HX series, they just need to figure out how to build it as cheaply as possible.

I'm still disappointed they haven't incorporated wireless in it, seems like a missed opportunity to have the perfect "start of the chain" pedal. Maybe the "pro" version later :)
But the problem I have is if you were going to use that 1 effect I feel like you would buy a Strymon mini Sky or brig or flint , your getting into a lot of competition at $300 USD for single FX IMO
they have been clearly working on getting this to viability by sprucing up the cabs and the reverbs lately. Now it's a pretty good "end of the chain" pedal. I haven't checked if they have variable impedance, that would also make it a pretty ideal "start of the chain" pedal for pedalboards.
I haven't checked if they have variable impedance, that would also make it a pretty ideal "start of the chain" pedal for pedalboards.

It does, and also a FX loop which can be placed before of after the effect block, configurable via presets.

Those open surprisingly flexible routing options, specially given how the HX One also be MIDI-controlled.
What's so hard to understand about this? There's clearly a market for a single effect at the time multi FX pedal or the Eventide H9 wouldn't exist.

It seems like a pretty obvious product to build considering they need to do barely any work by reusing the library of code from the HX series, they just need to figure out how to build it as cheaply as possible.

I'm still disappointed they haven't incorporated wireless in it, seems like a missed opportunity to have the perfect "start of the chain" pedal. Maybe the "pro" version later :)

I absolutely understand. I get it. I'm just part of the vocal minority of fully converged multi-effects modeler users. Like DI said, the pedalboard guys outnumber us by a good bit. I see it every Sunday morning with my church's worship team. For those guys, the modularity gives them the most control. For me, the convergence and being able to program whole chains on the fly quickly gives me more control.

Nobody is wrong here.
If I were still using amps, this would be a perfect solution for me as I rarely use more than one effect at a time anyway.
if we only developed products for modeler/multieffects gear forum devotees, we'd be broke. There simply aren't enough of you.
This is a hard pill to swallow, (for some odd reason), for some forumites, here, and elsewhere.

I'm not sure how they got to this, "this is what *I* think the market should be, so doesn't everyone do this?" mentality.
You would still want to use an isolated power supply, correct? So things like the MXR DC Brick would be out, right?