New Line 6 product speculation thread [disclosure: HX One]

Uh… Like every other single stompbox?

Besides, you can move it into two different locations on your pedalboard via the effects loop, and it’s storable per preset.
I understand. But this is still a multi-effects unit of sorts with drives and everything else to choose from. Problem is you can't even use a killer drive and a delay together, unless this is in future updates? I still think the bigger stomps makes more sense functionally and economically -- from my perspective. This may fill a space for someone I'm just not personally seeing the overall benefits (believe me - I want Line 6 to succeed, I love my Helix)?

edit: this is all I'm going say about it. I want hang around bashing something like at other places. I sincerely hope this does well.
I understand. But this is still a multi-effects unit of sorts with drives and everything else to choose from. Problem is you can't even use a killer drive and a delay together, unless this is in future updates? I still think the bigger stomps makes more sense functionally and economically -- from my perspective. This may fill a space for someone I'm just not personally seeing the overall benefits (believe me - I want Line 6 to succeed, I love my Helix)?
I think the whole purpose of it is that you don’t need to configure routing (besides 4CM stuff).

Would be interesting if they made presets that combined FX, and even ones utilising 4CM. Not sure if that would just complicate things but there may be scope for them to have single models that are made up of more than one effect
I think the whole purpose of it is that you don’t need to configure routing (besides 4CM stuff).

Would be interesting if they made presets that combined FX, and even ones utilising 4CM. Not sure if that would just complicate things but there may be scope for them to have single models that are made up of more than one effect
I could get away with 3 presets with 2 blocks (if fx loop return/input 2 block didn't count) and it had switchable (gapless) presets.
Ill Be Back Jim Carrey GIF
I understand. But this is still a multi-effects unit of sorts with drives and everything else to choose from. Problem is you can't even use a killer drive and a delay together, unless this is in future updates?
That's HX Stomp territory.

You could also consider this if you find you are running at the limits of your HX Stomp regularly but don't want a big Helix. Instead you could add a HX One to the HX Stomp for "one more block".

There's a lot of ways to use this but none of them are for the person who wants this to replace their pedalboard. It's just another pedal on your board, the difference is that it can turn into any effect.
I’ll most likely snag one of these. I had an M5 for years I wanted just because the Reverse delay effect, it was the cheapest way for me to get that effect. I had no clue how much use I’d get out of that thing. I ended up putting it into my rig and had it MIDI’d up to my GCPro, depending on what I was doing I’d either keep it in front of the amp or in the effects loop, but it was just a great multi-purpose pedal that was easy as hell to program and everything sounded pretty damn good.

This looks to b e smaller and I’m sure there’s a bit of difference between the M5’s quality and the HX stuff. I haven’t wanted to put any modeling pedals on the board I’m building, but seeing this makes me hesitate on that idea just knowing how I ended up using the M5 and I’m definitely going to be using a loop switcher with this board, so the placement won’t be a concern at all.

Looking at the TOP thread it seems most guys who are using a full blown modeler can’t wrap their heads around the idea that not everyone wants to use a full fledged modeler but could definitely use something that’ll fill in gaps of places they don’t have the real estate/want to spend money on a single effect for the one time they use it in a cover song.
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The flux thing is more or less the same as the morph function on the KPA - the tempo/time controls definitely add something useful. I guess these would be likely to find a home on the big kahuna and the rest of the line sometime soon.

Yeah that’s exactly how I read it. Morph is very cool and Flux if it’s the same would also be useful.
This one I don’t get, slightly smaller but way more limited version of the Stomp?
It's a pedal. Plain and simple. Not a multi-effects unit. It's a pedal. Except its 200 pedals in one.
People will gladly pay this much, or more, for a one trick pony pedal. This is it. It's a pedal for people who like pedals.
Need a drive? Got it. Need a delay? Got it. Need a chorus. Got it. Need a fuzz? No you don't, nobody needs a fuzz :mad:

Did I mention that this is a pedal? Well it is. It's a pedal.
Luckily I hate pedals and in the age of digital multi effects will never ever buy, use or even show interest in one :giggle:
Looking at the TOP thread it seems most guys who are using a full blown modeler can’t wrap their heads around the idea that not everyone wants to use a full fledged modeler
Honestly, I am torn quite a lot. Because I love a lot of individual pedals, and the spaceship pedalboard thing is very cool. But the reality is.. they're heavy... prone to be noisier than your average multi... require a lot of midi shenanigans to get everything switchable, and the user experience is just a very different thing. Helix basically converted me from a pedalboard permie, to a multi permie. Genuinely.

I have a GigRig G3 that I only bought this year. GAS I guess, but I've done nothing with it outside of prototyping a few stereo setups. But I'm not using it, and not really intending to tbh. I should flog it. Originally the plan was to slap together a board with my BigSky, Timeline, RV-7, DD-8, and a few other pedals. This HX One would totally fit in with that plan, and give me all of the stuff that I would need from Helix-land, in a smaller package.

But as I said... there are other factors, and I'll probably stick with my Helix in 4cm, and Axe III in 4cm. Don't even know which one I would use with TNBD right now, if we were to get back up and running and gig ready.
On an ideal pedalboard I'd have a few pedals for fun, not essential but cool to have, like phaser, whammy, flanger, octaver and vibrato. But usually I'm lazy and just bring a delay and an overdrive. An utility pedal that can be any of the above is cool.
I dont Know what Effects are in the HX one but say it had Like a Frequout, a Nobel's ORD 1 and a few other Unique Offerings that are not in a Fractal or other Modeler then Yeah that would be great especially at the Price they are offering it at
Honestly they don’t have them yet but, I assume this would also see the regular updates that the rest of the HX line gets and those are rumored to be in said update. Plus that’s huge, for $300 USD you’re getting all these effects plus whatever L6 keeps adding in the future. The potential value of it is only going to get better.

I’ve got the full floor Helix and have no interest in building boards so this isn’t for me, but I can see this being huge for them. Another way to think of it is all the people who’s were asking for an updated M5, FM4, DM4 or MM4, this is kinda all them rolled into one.