NDSP Quad Cortex

Good sound and all of that, but does bro really have three different EQs (one before the amp capture, one between the amp capture and IRs, and a final one after the cab and flanger, but before the delay/reverb)?

I get the first to sculp what's coming out of your guitar to hit the amp right, but if I personally needed that much in a preset....I feel like I picked the wrong IR and/or amp model/capture in the first place......
good point. I'll rely on your expertise on how they are configured. A lot of different modulations too. There are a lot of blocks for sure.
All my concerns about power cables, or cables in general, comes from having shit dropped/tossed on them, namely cymbals and road case lids. If a ride cymbal can nearly sever a 1/4” cable, it’ll have no problem completely destroying anything thinner.
All my concerns about power cables, or cables in general, comes from having shit dropped/tossed on them, namely cymbals and road case lids. If a ride cymbal can nearly sever a 1/4” cable, it’ll have no problem completely destroying anything thinner.
Yep, the included supply has a thin wire like a standard Boss power supply. Not a complete deal breaker but having a spare isn't a bad idea.
Good sound and all of that, but does bro really have three different EQs (one before the amp capture, one between the amp capture and IRs, and a final one after the cab and flanger, but before the delay/reverb)?

I get the first to sculp what's coming out of your guitar to hit the amp right, but if I personally needed that much in a preset....I feel like I picked the wrong IR and/or amp model/capture in the first place......
I'm seeing one before the IR block and one after. The third one is disabled in every scene. Drag that one to the bin, replace the IR block (and the other two EQs) with the way-more-fun-to-use cab block, Bob's your uncle.

A lot of different modulations too. There are a lot of blocks for sure.
The MXR Flanger is never enabled either. I think the guy just uploaded a kitchen sink preset.

(P.S. It's cool that this guy includes scenes with his presets, and it's fun being able to review them with the web app. Checking out his "Rebel Yell" preset right now.)
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I'm seeing one before the IR block and one after. The third one is disabled in every scene. Drag that one to the bin, replace the IR block (and the other two EQs) with the way-more-fun-to-use cab block, Bob's your uncle.

The MXR Flanger is never enabled either. I think the guy just uploaded a kitchen sink preset.

(P.S. It's cool that this guy includes scenes with his presets, and it's fun being able to review them with the web app. Checking out his "Rebel Yell" preset right now.)

Being able to look at all of the inner workings of any Cloud preset for QC is one of the coolest things about that platform. Such a good idea.
All my concerns about power cables, or cables in general, comes from having shit dropped/tossed on them, namely cymbals and road case lids. If a ride cymbal can nearly sever a 1/4” cable, it’ll have no problem completely destroying anything thinner.
Literally last night the Summerisle bassist stood on his power supply and broke it.
Good sound and all of that, but does bro really have three different EQs (one before the amp capture, one between the amp capture and IRs, and a final one after the cab and flanger, but before the delay/reverb)?

I get the first to sculp what's coming out of your guitar to hit the amp right, but if I personally needed that much in a preset....I feel like I picked the wrong IR and/or amp model/capture in the first place......
He has taken the Sadites method and run with it
To me it just stems from the wires being really thin. It feels like it's vulnerable. I don't actually have any issues with it. But laptop power supplies have much thicker wires which seem more durable.

Honestly if I were to use the QC live, I'd get a second power supply as backup, run it with an extension cable, and make sure the connector is secured to the unit somehow (like Boss has on the GT-1000).
In my country there are “stores” where people bring in their unwanted goods…#2ndlifeofproducts.
Those ussually those have crates with old powersupplies…and a lot of LCD screens used to run on 3A 12v powersupplies. Got me 2 good ones for 5,- ;)
But not an IEC cable. Those are professional, dude.

I wouldn't use the word "professional", but you can easily get a beefy IEC cable (D'Addario even makes one).

Opposed to-

For the record, I'm talking about instances where the power cord is stretched out from an outlet/extension cord then plugged into the unit, whichever unit it is, not anything occurring on the board itself. And while I don't see it much these days, my perspective is always coming from mostly playing shows where you have no time to neatly coil cables and pack up appropriately until all the gear was off the stage and sometimes other people start doing it for you. Shit just gets broken all the time, especially cables.
Logarithmic vs. Linear setting on the Volume block - has that always been there? Cool!
Had Walking On the Moon stuck in my head so set out to learn it. Naturally I wanted to get an Andy Summers tone happening and for some reason thought he ran a JC-120 and Memory Man. But was able to put a QC patch together in a couple minutes, added an EQ pedal in there and it was pretty solid. Made a similar patch on the Axe 3 and it was just not happening.

Then did a little more reading and found out it was a Plexi with the gain low and Echoplex. Put that together instead and much better. This time the Axe wasn't bad but the QC still sounded a little better for it. Also the generic Flanger on the QC sounded more like Andy Summers than the Electric Mistress model. Maybe that's because there was like 25 parameters on the Fractal and I'm not sure what was the range or color knobs.

Also props to the HX Stomp, that was super easy to dial in and sounded great too.

I half decided to sell the QC yesterday and did a factory reset and was getting ready to take pictures and list it...but now again not so sure.