NDSP Quad Cortex

True but they created a whole new section of their discord for a Q&A and ghosted it. Alot of questions were if this means QC models will start increasing with TINA. You'd think that would be easy to answer.

Again, it's just neural trying to do something in good faith but then just not following through on it. They would have been better off not even creating the Q&A lol
If they were to go that route, like Kemper did, I'd assume they'd have an iOS/Android app.
This always sounds reasonable on paper: inexpensive modeler on the floor, “paid for” control surface (e.g. iPad) in hand. But everything inevitably falls apart in execution. Pairing/ re-pairing is a tedious drag; hardware settings lag vs. on-screen controls, etc. A good idea that never seems to feel quite right.
This always sounds reasonable on paper: inexpensive modeler on the floor, “paid for” control surface (e.g. iPad) in hand. But everything inevitably falls apart in execution. Pairing/ re-pairing is a tedious drag; hardware settings lag vs. on-screen controls, etc. A good idea that never seems to feel quite right.
You won’t get any argument from me on that.
This always sounds reasonable on paper: inexpensive modeler on the floor, “paid for” control surface (e.g. iPad) in hand. But everything inevitably falls apart in execution. Pairing/ re-pairing is a tedious drag; hardware settings lag vs. on-screen controls, etc. A good idea that never seems to feel quite right.
Absolutely. On top of that it's just not nice to edit things on a phone if you need to do anything beyond the basics.

I could see a smaller QC without a screen working if it's meant to be on your desk to provide knobs and switches to a tablet control software, but anything else runs into issues where touchscreen only control is not great.
The vii mode is interesting and different. Kinda like the red channel on a 5153.
I tried those out loud & they cover a lot of ground. Would have loved a direct (no cab) one or 2 for the higher gain stuff; I find it easier to swap IRs than EQ sometimes
I tried those out loud & they cover a lot of ground. Would have loved a direct (no cab) one or 2 for the higher gain stuff; I find it easier to swap IRs than EQ sometimes
Yeah, many prefer direct and I do them.

The market for captures I so rocky that I have been doing small batches with the QC.

The fact that I have to send each preset each time a purchase is made makes me limit what I do per pack.

I was hoping Neural would create an cloud store to have a direct route to their users.
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Playing the QC a while last night I noticed a couple things.

With low impedance headphones there’s a lot of hiss on the headphone out. Reducing the headphone gain in the IO fixes this. Just for awareness.

I was hearing some distortion with closed headphones and seems I was clipping running it too hot. Some of the gain staging is tricky as there’s no clip indicator unless you check the output directly. So worth being careful to maintain unity gain against bypass.

Comparatively the fractal axe 3 doesn’t seem to have any of these issues, so more internal headroom or something perhaps?
Playing the QC a while last night I noticed a couple things.

With low impedance headphones there’s a lot of hiss on the headphone out. Reducing the headphone gain in the IO fixes this. Just for awareness.

I was hearing some distortion with closed headphones and seems I was clipping running it too hot. Some of the gain staging is tricky as there’s no clip indicator unless you check the output directly. So worth being careful to maintain unity gain against bypass.

Comparatively the fractal axe 3 doesn’t seem to have any of these issues, so more internal headroom or something perhaps?

My headphones experience with the QC has always been underwhelming and finicky. Not that you cannot gain stage correctly and whatnot. But comparatively the FM3 headphones experience was best in class as far as modelers go, regardless of impedance
Sigh….the stereo IR loader is 100% out of phase…if you dial that to mono….it cancels 100% (#nulltest)
So annoying that basic s**t like this is not in good order…..shouldn’t happen on a unit like this.

Anyway…you have to flip the phase on one side.

Edit…I’m monitoring through usb 5/6…could also be the issue is in that output.
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Sigh….the stereo IR loader is 100% out of phase…if you dial that to mono….it cancels 100% (#nulltest)
So annoying that basic s**t like this is not in good order…..shouldn’t happen on a unit like this.

Anyway…you have to flip the phase on one side.

Edit…I’m monitoring through usb 5/6…could also be the issue is in that output.

I don't have that problem on main outs...stereo IR's sound the same as mono IR's although the volume is a lot different.
I don't have that problem on main outs...stereo IR's sound the same as mono IR's although the volume is a lot different.
Strange…could you try same IR on each side in a ST ir (not the lite)…and pan them both center? In my setup it cancels 100% (didn’t try the analog outs)
Strange…could you try same IR on each side in a ST ir (not the lite)…and pan them both center? In my setup it cancels 100% (didn’t try the analog outs)

You mean the Dual (ST) block? Just tried it and it works fine.

Double check the phase switch next to the power toggle on each of the sides...if you click that it flips the phase of one side. If I flip the phase of one side then it cancels panned to mono, but when both are the same phase there's no cancellation.

Also may be worth checking with headphones on the device if the output should be in phase but it's canceled, then you may have an issue with the unit. Otherwise maybe a routing issue in the DAW if you have to flip phase of a USB track?
You mean the Dual (ST) block? Just tried it and it works fine.

Double check the phase switch next to the power toggle on each of the sides...if you click that it flips the phase of one side. If I flip the phase of one side then it cancels panned to mono, but when both are the same phase there's no cancellation.

Also may be worth checking with headphones on the device if the output should be in phase but it's canceled, then you may have an issue with the unit. Otherwise maybe a routing issue in the DAW if you have to flip phase of a USB track?
Yep, the ST IR…it phase cancels in mono at the default setting, monitoring on usb 3/4, when I flip one side it’s fine.

Looks like it doesn’t happen in the IR block..so either on the usb 3/4…or in my daw (and I’m not aware if phase invert options at the input in studio one…but who knows.
I’ve been having the phenomenon that wet levels are lower on recording also…which matches a phase issue somewhere also,

I guess I will be phase hunting tonight ;(


Checked on analog outputs…that was ok…everything in phase at default settings.
Then switched back to usb 3/4…also ok (issue magically disappeared)
Strange…I wasn’t dreaming last night ;)
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Anyway, here's a vid.

Circular delay is cool but it would be nice to have a fully adjustable multi-tap delay as well. 5153 models sound great. Parallel routing is strangely convoluted. Still no dual detune!

Yes lots of gaps still! A good multi tap and dual detune would be killer. Next update will say a lot about how deep the product gets.