NDSP Quad Cortex

So Tina is bye far superior to Cliff Huh

Angry What Is This GIF by Adult Swim
Wtf? Now they get smacked for putting out there they use a robot? What on earth is wrong with that?
Seems to me they are the first to do so… nothing wrong with putting out there that they’re forward thinking…and it makes perfect sense to me if your modeling amps with knobs you can dial to countless settings
Jeez…maybe a gallon vinegar less in the morning? Change this thread to “pick on ndsp day…just like yesterday”?

I’m glad they market smart..,,the more users…the more cash available, the better the odds they keep investing in the product.
I came to check the thread to see how the update was and see how people were liking or disliking various aspects. Instead I got 3 pages of discussion about fucking TINA. NDSP makes some good products but damn they suck at a lot of shit surrounding those products.

IMO TGF has swung WAY too far over on the bashing NDSP pendulum. Similar thing happened with the Fender TMP and there was an attempt to reset the discussion. But lately with NDSP there's about 20:1 ratio of piling-on vs actual discussion. Gotta just soldier on and stay on topic.

About 30 minutes into the update and has been smooth so far but sitting at 64% for a while. Longer than expected but these foundational updates tend to take longer than standard ones.

Edit: just went from 64% to complete and restarted. Will plug in and play in a bit when I'm done working.
Those black and gold ones came out last year I think? Same thing, different look. I thought there were more than 5 worldwide though.

So far so good with the new update, able to add in Plini stuff alongside regular things and the new circular delay. Waiting for @2112 to do his video though because NOBODY can cover vintage rack effects like him!
IMO TGF has swung WAY too far over on the bashing NDSP pendulum. Similar thing happened with the Fender TMP and there was an attempt to reset the discussion. But lately with NDSP there's about 20:1 ratio of piling-on vs actual discussion. Gotta just soldier on and stay on topic.

About 30 minutes into the update and has been smooth so far but sitting at 64% for a while. Longer than expected but these foundational updates tend to take longer than standard ones.

Edit: just went from 64% to complete and restarted. Will plug in and play in a bit when I'm done working.

Really? I feel that lately NDSP has been given a fairer shake than before, and people feel confident in expressing excitement over the arrival of 3.0.0. and the excellent deep-dive feature videos.

Again, the bashing is more toward NDSP rather than the QC. NDSP often uses silly communication that can be hyperbolic, ill-timed and/or distracting from the product.

The QC, on the other hand, is a uniquely-positioned, great-sounding piece of gear that's increasingly capable and will only grow in influence and popularity after 3.0.0. I'd love to only talk about the product in the vacuum, but NDSP makes that impossible. The whole point of this place is being free to call a duck a duck.