NDSP Quad Cortex

I could imagine a robot dialing 9999999 settings on one amp…measure each…and base your model on the collected data. If that works…and is new…one would expect the speed of new released models to become high.
Sad Family Time GIF by Lifetime

  1. The amps they modeled for the plugins are physical amps (the promo isn’t a live look at the actual amp being modeled, it’s a promo, lol)
  2. They remodeled said plugin amps as part of the X process, because old plugins were not modeled using the same processes as the QC amps
  3. They mentioned using robot knob turners (Without giving her a name at that point lol) years ago.
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“Able to model with unbelievable precision and speed”

Haven’t released a native amp model in a year…

Oh, Neural :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, it’s weird how that press release seems to draw a connection between PCOM and TINA (acronyms oh my). TINA would seem more relevant to creating new models of actual hardware, whereas the code and content comprising a plug-in are already available in the digital realm.

(Says the guy who still hasn’t watched a single video or even read much of the press release.)
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I don't own Plini nor Gojira; can someone who does, stick the amp blocks on an empty preset grid and compare the CPU usage to some of the QC amps like the Friedman Lead and/or the JP2C (these 2 ate up some more CPU)?
I think the transpose probably is better the pitch-shifter. I can't hear much difference but I think there's less latency or something because I'm getting a doubler effect when I hard pan them. But, it's hard to tell, sometimes we can convince ourselves of these things.
I don't own Plini nor Gojira; can someone who does, stick the amp blocks on an empty preset grid and compare the CPU usage to some of the QC amps like the Friedman Lead and/or the JP2C (these 2 ate up some more CPU)?

Nah. They don't use any more CPU than anything else. The Herbert ch3 uses the most of the random few I tested.
Ugh, this almost looks like an Elon Musk robot announcement.

“We’re extremely proud to be one of the first companies to make native compatibility between guitar hardware and software a reality with CorOS 3.0.0,” concludes Dan Davies, Chief Marketing Officer at Neural DSP Technologies. “By utilizing TINA, our secret weapon, users experience an unparalleled level of sound authenticity throughout our product range. This development makes our software more capable than ever before, and we look forward to continuing to build on this framework.”

I don't understand why they weren't unable to port existing plugin code to the QC without a robot getting involved but, hey, DSPs are hard.
guessing the existing amp models were already built on this tech, or at least something very similar. I guess at some point they realised they needed to unify everything to the same approach