NDSP Quad Cortex

This is hilarious because I was just reading your post elsewhere about just how far Fractal tones have come in the past few years. :rofl
I fully believe the fractal has come a good ways in the last 3 years. Do I think it's night and day? Not at all, but I do think there is something "different". Now if different is good or bad that's up to the individual
Behind The Scenes Llama GIF
I'll wait to buy until they release the Kevin update.

I came to check the thread to see how the update was and see how people were liking or disliking various aspects. Instead I got 3 pages of discussion about fucking TINA. NDSP makes some good products but damn they suck at a lot of shit surrounding those products.
I came to check the thread to see how the update was and see how people were liking or disliking various aspects. Instead I got 3 pages of discussion about fucking TINA. NDSP makes some good products but damn they suck at a lot of shit surrounding those products.
I think it's also just the charm of TGF 🤣

People seem to be generally pleased with it for those who own it on here
Anyone think Neural *may* have waited to launch CorOS 3 & PCOM until after the Olympics started? The hype and buzz about Gojira is off the charts!! Reddit sub gained thousands of new subs since the open ceremony performance.

I wouldn't be surprised if that alone makes some people rush out to get the Gojira plug-in and/or even a QC since it's one of only 2 compatible right now...
Not interested in the full fat QC, but if/when the "Nano Cortex" comes out, this is all interesting. If it ends up being Stomp-like, I'd be interested in giving it a go.
100% I am actually excited for the Nano to see what it is and see if HW thoughts of it won’t be plug in compatible will ring true
Anyone think Neural *may* have waited to launch CorOS 3 & PCOM until after the Olympics started? The hype and buzz about Gojira is off the charts!! Reddit sub gained thousands of new subs since the open ceremony performance.

I wouldn't be surprised if that alone makes some people rush out to get the Gojira plug-in and/or even a QC since it's one of only 2 compatible right now...

Doubt it. We only knew Gojira were playing the Olympics a couple of days before the ceremony and NDSP had already announced the date for 3.0.

Unless you think NDSP knew before everyone else due to their relationship?
Doubt it. We only knew Gojira were playing the Olympics a couple of days before the ceremony and NDSP had already announced the date for 3.0.

Unless you think NDSP knew before everyone else due to their relationship?
Maybe they knew? Maybe they used QCs for the performance and Neural collaborated? Who knows... Just thinking out loud...
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So, how is a knob-turning robot (oooh, sign me up!) more accurate than component modeling? TINA seems like a Rube Goldberg Machine. Not saying the results don't sound good; they do. But it's just odd to me they went this route, instead of what FAS/IK/Line6 do.
Neural needs to cool it with the marketing. Every time they have stuff like this it just makes more questions than answers.

Why do we care about “Tina”? How does a robot help with virtual amps? What are they going to do with this robot? Is it new or have they been using it? Are they going to have new amp models?

Jesus, just release the update and stop teasing more stuff until you’ve caught up with the backlog!
Wtf? Now they get smacked for putting out there they use a robot? What on earth is wrong with that?
Seems to me they are the first to do so… nothing wrong with putting out there that they’re forward thinking…and it makes perfect sense to me if your modeling amps with knobs you can dial to countless settings
Jeez…maybe a gallon vinegar less in the morning? Change this thread to “pick on ndsp day…just like yesterday”?

I’m glad they market smart..,,the more users…the more cash available, the better the odds they keep investing in the product.