NDSP Quad Cortex

So no surprise synth? 😬

Star Trek Hoax GIF
Check out this quote from under Ola's video, the part about the IRs. Looks to me like they might have improved the user IR resolution? That would be great!

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That's what I suspected and suggested Ola's routing wasn't the most fortunate choice for this sort of shootout; looks like the way the plugins were calibrated wasn't tweaked during their port to the QC.
But good for Neural & Ola for pointing this out.
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Gonna hold on to the free gift for now. If the synth isn't part of an update I may have to get Rebea.

They make it so easy to use it though. Had to just close the page. Haha
Gonna hold on to the free gift for now. If the synth isn't part of an update I may have to get Rebea.

They make it so easy to use it though. Had to just close the page. Haha
I suspect Rabea is next as we saw a synth in the Sweetwater vid w 7 oscillators, Bea current has 4
He is one of their biggest endorsers so I can’t imagine he is far down the line
So, I'm back in love with the QC. I tried making some captures of my Lichtlaerm Audio Prometheus both through my real ENGL 4x12 XXL and direct with a loadbox and I was blown away by the accuracy. Since I have 65 amps or so I'm now definitely planning on doing more amps soon. Anyway, you can hear the results /clips in this video:

I just purchased these. Expecting good things.

Edit: Either I bought these before and completely forgot or they arrived fast!

The new color scheme for the plugin icons look dope on-device. They should do more color fill type stuff with the stock icons.

Rabeas noodling with the circular delay was tasty. His playing with dirty clean ambient tones are always great.
Gonna hold on to the free gift for now. If the synth isn't part of an update I may have to get Rebea.

They make it so easy to use it though. Had to just close the page. Haha
I was hoping for the synth to be a part of CorOs 3.0

The video with the Sweetwater folks did show it in the unit. I must say I feel a bit shit about it.

Here we show CorOs 3, but this is not what you guys is getting, but buy our plug-ins