Namm 2025 predictions

New Marshall Amps are on Sweetwater's website for Pre-Order

Modded 1959 with MV & Switchable Brightcap and Modded JCM800 with midrange cut, boost, and tight Eq switches
Looks like Sweetwater pulled the links.
Of course they ran the pedal meant to be used direct into an amp model on the QC...(y)

oh no facepalm GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden
It boggles my mind how none of the big digital players bothered to model a Rockman just yet.
I do have it in TH-U. I does a pretty good job, the chorus is great too. Although I find the distortion needs a bit more help and I'll run their SD-1 model before it. It's close but still not quite the same as the hardware, it's seems to be missing the harmonic complexity.
NGL I’m hoping Boss has one more cool thing up their sleeves in the form a new flagship floorboard. I loooove my Helix but I’m wanting to do some more, uh, interesting modulation stuff and some of the Boss X amps sound pretty good in the metal demos.
I was talking about this with my friends last week. Actually, we have so much great tools already in our hands, and we can already create great music with them. Emulation is not what it was in 2005.

I'm all for new products, but so much people seem to complain about the lack of this or that, like they were useless devices.

That also goes for the "100% authenticity" of amp modelling. Not having an exact replica of a vintage amp is not what's preventing you from earning big money on music or from creating great songs. The secret is not on having the perfect device, it's on your musician abilities.

I think I made much more music when I had less options in my hands. Now typically I spend much more time tweaking or trying any feature I can think of from my devices than writing music, as if it was a sandbox videogame with so many side quests. I definitely have to change that xD


I'm surprised to hear that I like the DSL pedal as much as I do. I never even considered looking at JCM2000's. Looks like they're relatively inexpensive on the used market. That's another rabbit hole I'll have to go down, I guess.

The JVM also sounds great, although you have to account for the incredible amp/cab they're demo'ing through.
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