Finally wielded at Band Practice.
1/2 power, AB, New.
I had the Clean set via online guides to be most Fender Twin Like. Presence assigned & turned to 0 with Volume Maxed using Gain for Volume.
I think I was excursions in the Middle.
Ch2/3 Gain Structure looks High in the Pic, but I thought I settled on Low.
Ch2 Blue was B2 Knobs where you see
Ch3 Red was B2 & Plexi Mode. I didn't find much I liked outside of Plexi Mode for Ch3.
I was playing Ch2 & Ch3Plexi a lot straight up or with an old SD1 for "More", the Boost worked good, but often raised volume too much to use for Rhythm without lowering that Channel.
Boost does nothing in plexi Mode, but it sounded great. With the SD1 it was some of the best tone I've had. Solo Boosted with my 1981 TS808 & optionally added FD2 for "More"
I also got some fantastic tones with Ch2 & Ch3Plexi with my TS808
I also had the Loop Jumpered with the Master on Back to give me a bit more volume, but I don't see this as necessary with this Amp & the Pedals I mixed in.
Honeymoon Stage... sure... but this was my best tones ever. It's like having a Fender Twin Clean/Edge of Breakup + a Plexi + a the Bogner Blue which is just fantastic.
Pics/Dials after 1st go