Speaker Recommendation for New Cab (Port City 112 OS)?


I've made some upgrades to my live rig, the biggest being the Redplate Magica head, and the last piece of the puzzle is a speaker for my new Port City OS 112 Wave cab, which should arrive next week. I have a Scumback J75LD 100 watt that I'm going to give another chance but so far I don't like it. Not much low end and too crispy in the mid range, too much sizzle. Now part of that is probably the cab it's in (Mojotone Slammins) so I'll give a try in the new cab and see if it clicks for then but I want to keep options open.

Here's the speakers I have in my other cabs that I've tried the Magica with:

  • Splawn 2x12 w/ Weber M75/J75 Legacy mix - This cab sounds good, although the Webers are a little dark and distant sounding for my liking. I'll probably be replacing these eventually too. I'll be using the Magica with this in the meantime.
  • Splawn 4x12 w/ Eminence/Splawn Small Blocks - My favorite cab and everything sounds great through it. I just don't get to lug the 4x12 out a lot these days but I will probably be using at a bigger show in the next few weeks. I had the same speakers in my 2x12 until I blew the, I may just go with them again if nothing else works out but they are not enough wattage for a 1x12, 55 watts is pushing it with a 50 watt (obvs I found out the hard way).
  • Marshall 4x12 w/ white label UK G12T75's - Great sounding cab for hard rock but doesn't work much for what I'm doing (cleans to medium gain rock) and doesn't match up great with the Magica.
I could try another Scumback but I haven't had the best experience with them yet. I had an M75 first but it had issues, although I remember liking how it sounded better than my J75. I'm always a fan of Eminence, more so than Celestion. Never tried much else outside of that. I prefer speakers that are full sounding, not honky in the mids, and have a clear top end but not too bright. I'm playing lighter singer/ songwriter to classic rock stuff with this amp, all my guitars are humbuckers. This will be only for live use as moderate to loud volumes. I'm open to suggestions!
Warehouse Guitar Speakers ET-65 might fit the bill for you.
I think that's what Redplate usually recommends with their amps, the Celestion versions at least. I don't think I've ever played them although the old white label G12T75s I have in the Marshall cab are supposedly very close in design. I think the only difference is the Kapton former?
I’m a huge proponent of the Mesa C90 speaker. Seems to sound good with everything in any circumstance

EVM 12L would be :satan But needs volume and also doesn’t color the tone much

Recent adopter of the celestion redback as well which kicks ass and is a great pick for a 1x12
I’m a huge proponent of the Mesa C90 speaker. Seems to sound good with everything in any circumstance

EVM 12L would be :satan But needs volume and also doesn’t color the tone much

Recent adopter of the celestion redback as well which kicks ass and is a great pick for a 1x12
I wish I remember how the C90 sounded but it's been so long. I don't think I would want the EVM just for the additional weight alone, since this is a gigging cab. I had the redback in my 112 I have now and didn't really love it, too dark.
I have an older Port City oversized 1x12. I've tried vintage pulsonic greenbacks and fanes, a JBL, an alnico blackhawk, and the speaker I like best in it is the Tone Tubby Red. It's just an awesome speaker with the right amp.
I’m a huge proponent of the Mesa C90 speaker. Seems to sound good with everything in any circumstance

EVM 12L would be :satan But needs volume and also doesn’t color the tone much

Recent adopter of the celestion redback as well which kicks ass and is a great pick for a 1x12
I agree but I think the EV is one speaker that works well at any volume . The oversized magnet is specifically for this.
I have an older Port City oversized 1x12. I've tried vintage pulsonic greenbacks and fanes, a JBL, an alnico blackhawk, and the speaker I like best in it is the Tone Tubby Red. It's just an awesome speaker with the right amp.
I ended up putting my Scumback J75LD in there and so far so good, it sounds much different in this cab. I'll have to take it to a gig to get the real feel but I like what I'm hearing so far. This cab sounds very balanced.