Might've just went Full Turbo™

I’ve had the full III and the FM3. Great tones for sure. Once Fractal releases a Turbo version I automatically assume the next gen is coming relatively soon. I’m foolishly and optimistically waiting on that. I’d like to see as a bonus either a high res touch screen or a single rack space AxeFX IV.
I received my FM9 T a couple days ago.

4cm was very disappointing, as there’s a massive amount of really loud ground hum, even using Humbuster cables. I’ve got a Morley/EB Tech Hum X on the way, we’ll see but I don’t have my hopes up.

I did really enjoy trying out the amp models with my Lone Star 2x12 and Katana 100 head as a power amp. The JTM45 is so good.
It did. Tones and really everything are top notch :chef Just once I start factoring all the guitar synth BS and IKEA shelving required for the 4 tier pedalboard and blahblahblah; it makes it super easy to wave goodbye. For now. :bag

Concept of JT’s upcoming pedalboard-

4cm was very disappointing, as there’s a massive amount of really loud ground hum, even using Humbuster cables. I’ve got a Morley/EB Tech Hum X on the way, we’ll see but I don’t have my hopes up.

Happy to report that the Morley Hum X completely solved the problem!

The FM9 in 4cm is DEAD quiet now, it’s actually blowing my mind how quiet it is. Sounds and feels crazy good, too. No ‘tone suck’ whatsoever and actually sounds better than plugging straight in.

Really, really happy with it!