80s cheerios GIF
Jeepers, guys! Making me all Emo here.

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Really appreciated. Even if there were a couple who thought "Good riddance!" :LOL:

Don't really feel up to rehashing the past week. Pretty exhausted. :brick

Had to rush out to my Mom's place after a couple of disturbing phone calls from her.
She's been the sole caregiver for her husband for almost a year now. He's in hospice care
and terminal. She's about to be 80 and it finally broke her down. So I go out out there last
Thursday, and found some people to stay with him so I could get her to a Doctor. Got her
sorted out over last weekend, and she is better --- although still in a shitty situation.

Then I somehow came down with COVID late Sunday/early Monday. So I was staying
at their place in isolation and quarantining upstairs. No cell signal out there, so I was
cut off from the world there for a bit. Finally cinched my balls up this afternoon and
came home. So good to be home! :banana

I also found out that one of my stepsisters had them sign over the house and property
in its entirety over to her. This is the 3rd home they have owned together, and they have
been together for 38 years, and married for 37. Stepdad passes and she can lawfully have
my Mom evicted. She stole my Mom's equity right out from under her--as their place is
totally paid for.

Who does something like that? It really has me questioning my faith in humanity. I mean I
knew she was kind of shit before, but this is an whole new level of shit.

Doesn't come up here to help (because her kids are in sports!), and her Dad is dying, and someone
else is taking care of him 24/7 until he passes, and she thinks having all of their assets signed
over to her was the thing to do. I don't hate. I dislike, and have preferences. But man, I am having
a really challenging time right now not hating her.

Thank goodness for music and good friends! Lifelines, man. Lifelines! :beer
Well that is a truck load of shit nobody wants to deal with ;~(( Sorry to hear about all of that, but glad you are OK!! I know some people who do some things if you would like to share any specs on the stepdownsister (joking but wish I did, I could use those services myself on occasion)!!!
Well that is a truck load of shit nobody wants to deal with ;~(( Sorry to hear about all of that, but glad you are OK!! I know some people who do some things if you would like to share any specs on the stepdownsister (joking but wish I did, I could use those services myself on occasion)!!!

In my hood, it’s “the Russians” (who funny enough are Ukrainian).

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