Potential upcoming new doggie day

Congrats, Drew! Happy for you both. Big hugs to Echo, too.... and a some razor/shears
to get some of that uneeded wool off of his back. :beer

I need to do some research on this, he’s definitely double furred which is supposed to act as an insulator from the cold AND heat from them. I’m sure a good groomer will know what’s best for each breed, though. Dude looks like he’s wearing loose snow pants when he walks around!
How's the weekend been for you two? Go for a walk and use Echo as a Chick Magnet yet??? :idk


That dog is a cheat code! :rofl

There’s a courtyard in the middle of my apartment complex where I walk him, I’m getting ready to start my 4th year here and met more people in the last several days than the last 3 years.

He’s been amazing. The only “issue” was him eating a single paper towel that got left on a coffee table. And he woke me up at 2am Friday wanting to play. :D

I’m going to drop about 20lbs in the next couple months; as soon as we wake up I take him on a walk for about a mile before it gets too hot and since I can’t let him off the leash around the apartment complex, when he wants to run I just run with him. Then we walk another mile in the evenings if it’s cool enough.

Hahahahaha he LOVES chasing lizards but he hasn’t caught a single one yet. He might be the worst small animal hunter I’ve ever seen! Squirrels will be right next to him and he doesn’t see them until the last minute, for them to run into the tree and taunt him. It’s hilarious!
Fantastic! That is all so great to hear, Drew! :beer

I am guessing his ancestors chased Caribou, so Squirrels and Lizards
might be out of his genetic wheelhouse for now. :LOL:
Congrats! It looks like he's part Husky, which means he might develop the urge to roam at some point, so be sure the outside area he inhabits is secure, especially from digging and climbling.

Beautiful dog, congrats again!
Congrats! It looks like he's part Husky, which means he might develop the urge to roam at some point, so be sure the outside area he inhabits is secure, especially from digging and climbling.

Beautiful dog, congrats again!

Oh yes, I’ve seen this before! One of my drummers had a husky, we installed a fence in his backyard so he could roam free, the first week he figured out how to jump the fence. We replaced the chain link fence with a taller wooden fence, he dug under it. It was a never ending pursuit of ways to keep him contained. He was a badass, though!
This post is pulling on my heart strings.

So awesome.

I had a rescue Lab/Pit mix that talked to me like that. He lived to the ripe old age of 16.

He came with the name Keno... which became KenoBeano a year later ... then occasionally KeenerBeaner.... by age 10-12 it was just Beans.

So by my estimation.... Echo.... EchoPlex.... Plexy.... (y)
I can identify with this naming migration.


First she was Willow.

Then Willow Bean.

Then Willow Bean Sanders.

Then Willabeans.

Then just Beans.

Hahahahah yeah, I default to “Bud” with dogs, like I do “keek” with cats. Echo gets called “Mr. Bud”, “Mr. Bud Bud”, “Buddyman-doo”, etc. The last two days it’s been “Echo Gecko” because he chases lizards like they owe him money…..he just never catches them. :rofl

I plopped down on the couch yesterday and it took him all of 5 seconds to get comfy-

I had to register him as an emotional support animal so he’d be allowed in my apartment complex since he’s a whopping 8bs over their weight limit. I always kinda scoffed at the ‘This is an emotional support dog, I can take him into this busy restaurant that doesn’t allow dogs and you’ll have to accommodate me!” people, but I tell ya, I woke up yesterday morning and the first thing I saw was his face staring at me, patiently waiting for me to wake up and give me doggie kisses.

Usually the first thoughts when I wake up are what I’m doing at work and how I’m digging myself out of a mountain of stress at work. It was AMAZING to wake up to his face instead. And then getting home for the crash on the couch and he plops right on me before I have the chance to think about more work shit.

This dog is better than xanax.
I’m sure I could come up with some way to make a ‘series’ out of our daily life. I’m still learning his personality a bit, there’s a surprise each day, usually in how/why he starts the husky talking. Now that he’s getting comfortable around me, it’s coming out a LOT more. Maybe 2% of the time it’s not quite as cute as the other 98% :D

Low groans are when he wants something, mid pitched I’ve only heard when I stop petting him and he wants to keep getting per or when he was singing along with me playing, higher pitched ones are when he’s really happy or pleading with you.

I wish I could get a good picture of his eyes. In the sunlight they almost look like a solar eclipse if the sun were lightning-blue colored instead of orange/yellow.
How's Echo handling domesticity? You guys miss each other when you were on Vacay?

Outside of the fur that has taken hold in my apartment EVERYWHERE, everything is AWESOME!!!

I missed him like CRAZY on vacation but got regular updates from my friend (Julie had him) and they taught him how to shake and lay down while I was gone.

I was worried he was going to forget me since my friend had him longer than I did before I left for vacation, but I got the solider’s return treatment from him when she opened her door; whimpering, barking, husky howls and big Echo hugs. I seriously think his previous owner trained him how to gently hug humans. He’ll jump up to put his front legs on your shoulders but it’s so gentle and then he just stands there while trying to nuzzle his head in your neck.

The next day I got all his vaccinations set so I could get him into my apartment complex. Now that it’s been a few days and he’s been in one place longer than he has in the last several months (from what I understand) I’m getting to see his real personality and he’s just a treat. It’s crazy how chill he is for being a 2-year old husky.