30 Rock Fellow Kids GIF by Peacock


Let me know once you get your affiliate links up. :ROFLMAO:
You're gonna love it! Top notch. From the packaging, to the layout, to the design,
to the tones/sounds. I can easily see myself grabbing the Mercury X down the
road and calling it good on the Reverb front.

Ok, maybe not that far. :LOL:
I look at the Merc and LVX as long term investments. May end up more on the desk than
the pedalboard. Obviously, both.

I can peddle some lesser gear to offset the recent, and unexpected, splurging. :banana:pickle
Made it through the first 30 presets on the MX. Kind of surprised how much I like some of the more traditional verbs. There is one pretty early, the Grand Chorus or something, that sounds like a relatively basic modded room verb that I got stuck on for like ten minutes. Then a couple presets later one sounded like the Stranger Things soundtrack that was totally badass. :ROFLMAO:

So far so good. More in here then just Rivendell Quartet verbs. Not much tweaking required yet. Just sound good. (y)
Made it through the first 30 presets on the MX. Kind of surprised how much I like some of the more traditional verbs. There is one pretty early, the Grand Chorus or something, that sounds like a relatively basic modded room verb that I got stuck on for like ten minutes. Then a couple presets later one sounded like the Stranger Things soundtrack that was totally badass. :ROFLMAO:

So far so good. More in here then just Rivendell Quartet verbs. Not much tweaking required yet. Just sound good. (y)
The "basic" reverb algorithms on it are really great, that's what I like about it more than all the other tweaking stuff you can do on top of it.
Made it through the first 30 presets on the MX. Kind of surprised how much I like some of the more traditional verbs. There is one pretty early, the Grand Chorus or something, that sounds like a relatively basic modded room verb that I got stuck on for like ten minutes. Then a couple presets later one sounded like the Stranger Things soundtrack that was totally badass. :ROFLMAO:

So far so good. More in here then just Rivendell Quartet verbs. Not much tweaking required yet. Just sound good. (y)
How do you feel it compares to FAS verbs?
How do you feel it compares to FAS verbs?

I’m running the MX with my amp and cab so it’s tough to have a good comparison right now with my studio setup running in stereo. I don’t think anything will match the jaw-meet-floor moment I had when I fired up the Fractal verbs and delays for the first time, but the MX is making a really good first impression. I’ve found a couple ace presets now, roughly about 50 or so in. Going to try to build some from scratch tomorrow (Bubble menu!) and see what I can cook up.
The "basic" reverb algorithms on it are really great, that's what I like about it more than all the other tweaking stuff you can do on top of it.

That's the largest source of my enthusiasm about it. Want to try using it inserted into track channels
on Synth, Vocals, Drums, Bass, and not just for spaceship inducing tones via a guitar. :idk

Side note on these “blemish” offerings, I cant find a blemish, imperfection, or smudge on the thing, and it’s not for the lack of looking. :ROFLMAO:

Nobody Magnify GIF by Mitski

Wonder if this is their version a “sale-not-sale” to avoid saying it’s just a “sale”. :ROFLMAO:

Zero tax or shipping too. (y)
So dipping my toes into building stuff. The bubble controls aren’t bad once you figure out which knob maps to which menu or sub parameter. Not too many erroneous clicks, though I’ve gone into rename mode a couple times when trying to get to the structure select menu. (And haven’t figured out the back or undo without risking modifying the preset name) The amount of shit you can modify is kind of staggering, though I’m kind of avoiding all of that atm. On some blank presets I’m just disabling all the modifier stuff and making some simple vanilla verbs. Most of these sound really good if you are just deliberate with the main mix, decay and modulation dials.

Holy shit the pre-delay knob. You crank that to the right and you’re basically just building a full on delay. That will be cool to play with eventually.

Are there any specific sub parameters or modifiers you guys go to consistently? Im not going to deep down the rabbit hole yet, but curious if there are any specific things you guys engage or tweak that I should look at first.
